一個人生活 [One Person's Life] - Freya Lin 林凡 {Mandarin 00}

*葉子在窗外輕輕搖動 人行道沒有行人走過
ye zi zai chuang wai qing qing yao dong, ren xing dao mei you xing ren zou guo
The leaves outside (my) window softly sway. There are no pedestrians on the sidewalk.

鏡子裡的我很不像我 自從你離開了我變得很軟弱
jing zi li de wo hen bu xiang wo, zi cong ni li kai le wo bian de hen ruan ruo
My reflection on the mirror isn't quite like me. Ever since you left me, I have become weak.

#你的影子在每一個角落 好像是在提醒著我
ni de ying zi zai mei yi ge jiao luo hao xiang shi zai ti xing zhe wo
The impressions you left on every corner seem to call my attention.

少了你的陪伴 我現在有多寂寞
shao le ni de pei ban wo xian zai you duo ji mo
Without your company, I am now lonely.

我想我可以習慣一個人生活 我想我可以假裝不曾愛過
wo xiang wo ke yi xi guan yi ge ren sheng huo, wo xiang wo ke yi jia zhuang bu ceng ai guo
I think I can get used to living alone. I think I can pretend that I have never loved before.

bing liang de ye li rang yan lei wen re wo
My tears warm me in the ice cold evening.

我想我可以習慣一個人生活 在記憶裡面擦去你的承諾
wo xiang wo ke yi xi guan yi ge ren sheng huo, zai ji yi li mian cha qu ni de cheng nuo
I think I can get used to to living alone. (I will) erase your promises from my memories.

ai ni zen me hui shi zhe ge jie guo
How could loving you lead to this conclusion?

Repeat *

Repeat #

我想我可以習慣一個人生活 我想我可以假裝不曾愛過
wo xiang wo ke yi xi guan yi ge ren sheng huo, wo xiang wo ke yi jia zhuang bu ceng ai guo
I believe I can get used to living alone. I believe I can pretend that I have never loved before.

感覺如果要走誰能說 NO
gan jue ru guo yao zou shei neng shuo NO
If one wants to leave, who can say "no"?

%我想我可以習慣一個人生活 在記憶裡面擦去你的承諾
wo xiang wo ke yi xi guan yi ge ren sheng huo, zai ji yi li mian cha qu ni de cheng nuo
I believe I can get used to to living alone. (I will) erase your promises from my memories.

ai qing shi ge meng er wo shui guo tou
Love is a dream, but I have overslept

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