祝你一路顺风 / 祝你一路順風 [Wish you have a pleasant journey] - Nicky Wu 吴奇隆 {Mandarin 92}

This song has the same melody as
那一天知道你要走, 我们一句话也没有说
nà yī tiān zhī dào nǐ yào zǒu, wǒ men yī jù huà yě méi yǒu shuō 
At that day, knowing that you will leave, we didn't speak any words

dāng wǔ yè de zhōng shēng qiāo tòng lí bié de xīn mén 
When the bell of midnight painfully knocking on the heart of departure

què dǎ bù kāi wǒ shēn shēn de shěn mò 
Still can't open my deep silence

那一天送你送到最后, 我们一句话也没有留
nà yī tiān sòng nǐ sòng dào zuì hòu, wǒ men yī jù huà yě méi yǒu líu 
At that day, seeing you off until the last, we didn't speak any words

dāng yōng jǐ de yuè tái jǐ tòng sòng bié de rén men 
When the crowded people at platform painfully bid farewell

què jǐ bù diào wǒ shēn shēn de lí chóu
Still can't push out my deep sorrow of parting 

我知道你有千言你有万语, 却不肯说出口
wǒ zhī dào nǐ yǒu qiān yán nǐ yǒu wàn yǔ, què bù kěn shuō chū kǒu
I know you have thousand words, but refused to say it

你知道我好担心我好难过, 却不敢说出口
nǐ zhī dào wǒ hǎo dān xīn wǒ hǎo nán guò, què bù gǎn shuō chū kǒu
You know I'm very worry,  I'm very sad, but didn't dare to say it
dāng nǐ bèi shàng xíng náng xiè xià nà fèn róng yào
When you carry your backpack, and leave your glory behind

wǒ zhī néng ràng yǎn lèi líu zài xīn dǐ 
I can only let the tears flow underneath my heart

面带着微微笑, 用力的挥挥手
miàn dài zhe wēi wēi xiào yòng lì de huī huī shǒu
Face wearing the smile, using effort to wave hand

zhù nǐ yī lù shùn fēng
Wish you have a pleasant journey

当你踏上月台, 从此一个人走
dāng nǐ tà shàng yuè tái cóng cǐ yī gè rén zǒu 
When you set your foot on the platform, walking alone

wǒ zhī néng shēn shēn de zhù fú nǐ 
I can only deeply wish you

深深的祝福你, 最亲爱的朋友
shēn shēn de zhù fú nǐ zuì qīn ài de péng yǒu
Deeply wish you, my dear friend

zhù nǐ yī lù shùn fēng 
Wish you have a pleasant journey

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