Luo da you
Tong nian
池塘边的榕树上, 知了在声声叫着夏天
chi2 tang2 bian1 de5 rong2 shu4 shang4, zhi1 liao3 zai4 sheng1 sheng1 jiao4 zhe5 xia4 tian1
High up the banyan trees along the side of ponds, cicadas were calling the summer with every sound
操场边的秋千上, 只有蝴蝶还停在上面
cao1 chang3 bian1 de5 qiu1 qian1 shang4, zhi3 you3 hu2 die2 huai2 ting2 zai4 shang4 mian4
On the swing sets along the exercise field, only butterflies still rested on the top of them
hei1 ban3 shang4 lao3 shi1 de5 fen3 bi3 huai2 zai4 pin1 ming4 ji1 ji1 zha1 zha1 xie3 ge5 bu4 ting2
On the blackboard, teacher’s chalk was still desperately writing a non-stop chatter
等待着下课, 等待着放学, 等待游戏的童年
deng3 dai4 zhe5 xia4 ke4, deng3 dai4 zhe5 fang4 xue2, deng3 dai4 you2 xi4 de5 tong2 nian2
The childhood of Waiting for the class dismiss, waiting for the end of school day, waiting for playing
福利社里面什么都有, 就是口袋里没有半毛钱
fu2 li4 she4 li3 mian4 shen2 me5 dou1 you3, jiu4 shi4 kou3 dai4 li3 mei2 you3 ban4 mao2 qian2
School’s store had everything, but there wasn’t 50 cents in the pocket
诸葛四郎和魔鬼党, 到底谁抢了那支宝剑
zhu1 ge3 si4 lang2 he2 mo2 gui3 dang3, dao4 di3 shei2 qiang3 le5 na4 zhi1 bao3 jian4
The four Zhu Ge lads and the Monster Gang, at the end who did grab that precious sword?
隔壁班的那个女孩, 怎么还没经过我的窗前
ge2 bi4 ban1 de5 na4 ge5 nv3 hai2, zen3 me5 hai2 mei2 jing1 guo4 wo3 de5 chuang1 qian2
That girl of next classroom why still had not passed the front of my window?
嘴里的零食, 手里的漫画, 心里初恋的童年
zui3 li3 de5 ling2 shi2, shou3 li3 de5 man4 hua4, xin1 li3 chu1 lian4 de5 tong2 nian2
The snack in the mouth, the comic book in the hands, the childhood of first romance in the heart
zong3 shi4 yao4 deng3 dao4 shui4 jiao4 qian2, cai2 zhi1 dao4 gong1 ke4 zhi3 zuo4 le5 yi4 dian3 dian3
Always had to wait till before bedtime to know that the homework was just done a bit
总是要待到考试以后, 才知道该念的书都没有念
zong3 shi4 yao4 dai1 dao4 kao3 shi4 yi3 hou4, cai2 zhi1 dao4 gai1 nian4 de5 shu1 du1 mei2 you3 nian4
Always had to wait till after test to know that (I) did not read the books that were supposed to be read
yi2 cun4 guang1 yin1 yi2 cun4 jin1, lao3 shi1 shuo1 guo4 cun4 jin1 nan2 mai3 cun4 guang1 yin1
One inch of time (is like) one inch of gold. Teachers said inch of gold can’t buy inch of time
一天又一天, 一年又一年, 迷迷糊糊的童年
yi4 tian1 you4 yi4 tian1, yi4 nian2 you4 yi4 nian2, mi2 mi2 hu2 hu2 de5 tong2 nian2
One day after one day, one year after one year, dazed childhood
Music and whistling ….
没有人知道, 为什么太阳总下到山的那一边
mei2 you3 ren2 zhi1 dao4, wei4 shen2 me5 tai4 yang2 zong3 xia4 dao4 shan1 de5 na4 yi4 bian1
Nobody knew why the sun had to set to that side of the mountain
没有人能够告诉我, 山里面有没有住着神仙
mei2 you3 ren2 neng2 gou4 gao4 su4 wo3, shan1 li3 mian4 you3 mei2 you3 zhu4 zhe5 shen2 xian1
Nobody was able to tell me whether or not there were immortal beings live in the mountain
多少的日子里, 总是一个人面对着天空发呆
duo1 shao3 de5 ri4 zi3 li3, zong3 shi4 yi2 ge5 ren2 mian4 dui4 zhe5 tian1 kong11 fa1 dai1
In how many days, one person got on trance facing the sky
就这么好奇, 就这么幻想, 这么孤单的童年
jiu4 zhe4 me5 hao4 qi2, jiu4 zhe4 me5 huan4 xiang3, zhe4 me5 gu1 dan1 de5 tong2 nian2
It was this curious; it was this fantastic. It was such a lonesome childhood
就 (just) 这么 (this much) 好奇 (curious) 就 (just) 这么 (this much) 幻想 (fantasy) 这么 (this much) 孤单 (lonesome) 的 (connecting particle) 童年 (childhood)
阳光下蜻蜓飞过来, 一片片绿油油的稻田
yang2 guang1 xia4 qing1 ting2 fei1 guo4 lai2, yi2 pian4 pian4 lv4 you2 you2 de5 dao4 tian2
Under the sunshine, dragonflies came flying piece after piece lavish green rice fields
shui3 cai3 la4 bi3 he2 wan4 hua1 tong3, hua4 bu4 chu1 tian1 bian1 na4 yi2 tiao2 cai3 hong2
Water color, crayons and kaleidoscopes could not draw out that rainbow in the far away sky
shen2 me5 shi2 hou4 cai2 neng2 xiang4 gao1 nian2 ji2 de5 tong2 xue2 you3 zhang1 cheng2 shou2 yu3 zhang3 da4 de5 lian3
When I could have a mature and grown face like those senior classmates
盼望着假期, 盼望着明天, 盼望长大的童年
pan4 wang4 zhe5 jia4 qi2, pan4 wang4 zhe5 ming2 tian1, pan4 wang4 zhang3 da4 de5 tong2 nian2
Looking forward to vacations, looking forward to tomorrows, and the childhood of looking forward to growing up
哦, 一天又一天, 一年又一年, 盼望长大的童年
o1 yi4 tian1 you4 yi4 tian1, yi4 nian2 you4 yi4 nian2, pan4 wang4 zhang3 da4 de5 tong2 nian2
O, one day after one day, one year after one year, the childhood of looking forward to growing up
Translated and annotated by Shu