乾脆俐落 [Clear Cut] - Ella Koon 官恩娜 {Cantonese 13}

深知道我一拖再拖 拖不到好結果
know very well that if i continue to procrastinate, i won’t get a good ending
nothing more than wishing you to help when i’m lonely
to replace the empty space besides me, giving me the throne
so frustrated that we didn’t click
憑良心 應該一早放手
in my conscience i know that i should have let it go
情人節 獨處又難忍受
valentine’s day, i’m alone and it’s hard to endure
難逃走 怪便怪感動從來罕有
hard to escape, then blaming the feeling of touching is rare
遺憾濫用這份愛 便宜地抱你太久
it’s regretful that i’m misusing this love, hugging you for so long
你叫我可愛也可悲 只怪寂寞令人入戲
you make me feel that i’m lovable and pathetic, blaming that loneliness make people fall so deep
you gave me comfort,i made you satisfied and even i lied to you you’re still happy
對著你只有對不起 不夠幸運做完好戲
for you i only have sorry to say, wasn’t lucky enough to finish the scene
i made you to treat me good and then i pretended i was happy, moan and groan.
能離開 偏偏開不了口
can leave, but i just can’t say it
矛和盾 被你熱情左右
my heart is inconsistent, i’m affecting by your enthusiasm
回頭走 往後你一定前程錦繡
walking back, later you will have a good future
甜蜜到令我內疚 猶豫亦要放你走
sweet makes me feel guilty, hesitant but i have to let you go
你叫我可愛也可悲 只怪寂寞令人入戲
you make me feel that i’m lovable and pathetic, blaming that loneliness make people fall so deep
you gave me comfort,i made you satisfied and even i lied to you you’re still happy
對著你只有對不起 乾脆俐落做完好戲
for you i only have sorry to say, finished the scene straightforward
i made you to treat me good and then i pretended i was happy, moan and groan.
不知道是誰慷慨 誰感慨
don’t know who is generous and who is lamenting
喜歡錯這半個知己 只怪寂寞令人入戲
loved this half-friend wrong, blaming loneliness makes people fall so deep
you gave me comfort,i made you satisfied and even i lied to you you’re still happy
對著你只有對不起 乾脆俐落做完好戲
for you i only have sorry to say, finished the scene straightforward
just pretend that i’m doing it for you, forgive me that i faked that i was generous and gave up first


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