前度 [Ex] - Karene Mak 麥貝夷 {Cantonese 14}

下決心明天起就不見 是我未復原
Start from tomorrow i decided not to see you again, but i haven’t recovered yet.
i couldn’t leave from this sight.
六百天重覆中沒改變 你我的一切沒了沒完
after 600 days it still haven’t changed anything, you and me, and everything still not finished.
eventually people will meet again
seeing you and her is like the perfect match
若是像我般戀上別個 還想你會抱著我可不可
if i fall in love with other people, i even think about that if you would hug me or not
前度再好都要割斷 再成為紀念
no matter how good is ex it needs to stop, then make it become a memento.
但我眷戀 原諒我不懂欺騙想吻你右臉
but i’m still missing, forgive me that i don’t know how to lie, i want to kiss your right cheek.
誰承諾過願陪我日後每天 現在難敵過分叉線
who promised me that he will be with me everyday? but now we became two separate lines
從前情侶 從頭來過只得怨言
The ex. couples, if start all over again will only get argue
前度抱擁使我紊亂 偏也無從拒絕
hugs from my ex made me confused but i just couldn’t reject.
就似禁戀 無論我想怎麼擺脫 總要斷未斷
it’s like the forbidden love, no matter how i wanted to get out, i stuck in there.
為何沒法做情侶但極上心 就像從未割裂
We can not become couples but why i care about you so much?  it’s like we never apart.
從前情侶 再沒法牽手該蛻變
the ex. couples, can’t be with each other again and should grow up.
下決心明天起就不見 怕再會難復原
Start from tomorrow i decided not to see you again, i’m scared that i will not be recovered if meeting you again.
can not leave my heart is weak.
共六百天從分開後總抱怨 你我這麼近但欠份沒緣
it’s already 600 days since we broke up, i always complain that you and me are that close but the fate not letting us together
if we meet again it will be more sadness
seeing you and her is like the perfect match
若是像我般戀上別個 還想你會抱著我可不可
if i fall in love with other people, i even think about that if you would hug me or not
前度再好都要割斷 再成為紀念
no matter how good is ex it needs to stop, then make it become a memento.
但我眷戀 原諒我不懂欺騙想吻你右臉
but i’m still missing, forgive me that i don’t know how to lie, i want to kiss your right cheek.
誰承諾過願陪我日後每天 現在難敵過分叉線
who promised me that he will be with me everyday? but now we became two separate lines
從前情侶 從頭來過只得怨言
The ex. couples, if start all over again will only get argue
前度抱擁使我紊亂 偏也無從拒絕
hugs from my ex made me confused but i just couldn’t reject.
就似禁戀 無論我想怎麼擺脫 總要斷未斷
it’s like the forbidden love, no matter how i wanted to get out, i stuck in there.
為何沒法做情侶但極上心 就像從未割裂
We can not become couples but why i care about you so much?  it’s like we never apart.
從前情侶 再沒法牽手該蛻變
the ex. couples, can’t be with each other again and should grow up.
前度再好都要割斷 再成為紀念
no matter how good is ex it needs to stop, then make it become a memento.
但我眷戀 原諒我不懂欺騙想吻你右臉
but i’m still missing, forgive me that i don’t know how to lie, i want to kiss your right cheek.
誰承諾過願陪我日後每天 現在難敵過分叉線
who promised me that he will be with me everyday? but now we became two separate lines
從前情侶 從頭來過只得怨言
The ex. couples, if start all over again will only get argue
前度那些珍貴片段 早已成為經典
those precious memories with ex, already became a classic.
但這錯戀 纏著了一起真太亂 怎要斷未斷
but this wrong relationship, it’s really mess and can’t cut it off.
然而沒法做情侶就別上心 或恨緣份太短
however if can not become couples then don’t care about it too much, or just hate the fate.
從前情侶 永別了早這麼 遙遠
The ex. couples, already say goodbye and so far away.

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