砒霜 [White arsenic] - Gigi Lai 黎姿 + Bowie Lam 林保怡 {Cantonese 04}

This is a TVB Drama Series ending song from War and Beauty 金枝慾孽 broadcast 23 August 2004 – 2 October 2004
萬物中你我 一息間錯摸
maan mat zung nei ngo jat sik gaan co mo
among all living things you me one moment of time wrongly touch

種因結果 然後萬劫不復
zung jan git gwo jin hau maan gip bat fuk
sort of reasons and outcomes afterwards condemned for eternity  

明明滅滅目光交錯 苦海點猛火
ming ming mit mit muk gwong gaau cok fu hoi dim maang fo
definitely extinguishing vision intertwine bitter ocean ignite fierce fire  

是你閃身路過 竟勾引著我
si nei sim san lou gwo ging ngau jan zoek ngo
it is you who flash passing by unexpectedly enticing me 

為你犧牲已注定 似身染絕症
wai nei hei sang ji zyu ding ci san jim zyut zing
sacrifice for you already destined similar to the body catching a incurable disease

soeng zeon nei dik pei soeng jiu ngo ming
entirely taste your arsenic demand my life

連累我眼睛 掛念有聲
lin leoi ngo ngaan zing gwaa nim jau sing
involving my eyes concerned has sound

*輪迴在 生生死死感情才盡興
leon wui zoi saang saang sei sei gam cing coi zeon hing 
in reincarnation life and death feelings only then enjoy to heart's content

ho siu oi cing wai seon cing
funny romance is to die in the name of love 

daai bun saang leon lok zi ci bat gwo wai zing ming
more than half a life reduced to this however is to prove 

dyun cuk pou mut paau jing
brief bubbles to nothing  

ziu faa maan sap jing jin nang zeon hing 
morning flower evening picked still can enjoy to heart's content

zou ji zyu ding naan on ding
a long time ago destined hard to settle

wai ham zeoi zung zing sat si gaan hung jung nang mo mit fung ging
regret in the end confirms time surges violently can wear away scenery 

daan zeoi se bat dak dik si ze fan cing
but most unwilling to give up is this love

問是否有個 貪花可結果
man si fau jau go taam faa ho git gwo 
ask whether or not there is a corrupt flower can have a outcome

愛少 怨多 黃梁夢惹的禍
oi siu jyun do wong leong mung je dik wo 
love few complain much yellow bridge dream provoke this misfortune

尋尋覓覓電光閃過 空得到痛楚
cam cam mik mik din gwong sim gwo hung dak dou tung co
search and seek lightning flash by emptiness obtain pain

萬法心經唸破 甘於去犯錯
maan faat sam ging nim po gam jyu heoi faan co
ten thousand Buddhist teachings heart sutra read through willing to go commit wrongs 

用你砒霜救我命 我不怕任性
jung nei pei soeng gau ngo ming ngo bat paa jam sing 
use your arsenic to save my life I am not afraid to be unruly

cing jyun zi sei sam ging zi laang zing
rather until death mental state until calm

忘掉了眼睛 我就看清
mong diu liu ngaan zing ngo zau hon cing 
cannot forget eyes I then see clearly

*輪迴在 生生死死感情才盡興

joek wing bat ho ciu saang jik jaa wai cing
if never can exceed life also too for love


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