第一次 [First Time] - Michael Wong 王光良 Cyndi Wang 王心凌 {Mandarin 04}

["this was the first time I told her I liked her"..."I like you"...
"hahaha! I'll pretend I didn't hear that, you should forget you said it. Bye Bye." 
I guess I can only treat her as a friend."]

When you looked at me
I didn't open my mouth
You have already figured out
I'm still not certain
That I've fulfilled your requests.
["I've lost my job"]
Is it me that's thinking too much?
["Would you like something to drink?]
Or are you also avoiding
If you've really chosen me
I'll summon up the courage to accept.
Unconsciously, my line of vision has started to become evasive.

Oh, the first time I said I love you
I couldn't breathe and my heart wouldn't stop trembling,
["This is the first time I held her hand"]
Oh, the first time I held your hands
["I've been dumped"]
I lost my direction and didn't know where to go,
That's the reason for us to be in love.
That's us caring for each other.
["I'm going home."]
Oh, the first time I kissed your dimples,
I wanted to be clear headed, but was light headed instead,
Oh, the first time you lay on my chest,
We didn't part for 24 hours,
["heh, that was the first time I kissed her."]
That was the first time I knew what everlasting and unchanging meant.

["Why are you dressed like that?"
"umm, I'm looking for a job."]
Is it me that's thinking too much?
Or are you also avoiding?
["I feel better when I'm dressed like this...]
If you've really chosen me
I'll summon up the courage to accept
Unconsciously, my line of vision has become evasive

Oh, the first time I said I love you,
I couldn't breathe and my heart couldn't stop trembling,
Oh, the first time I held your hands,
["This is the first time I hugged her"]
I lost my direction and didn't know where to go.
That's the reason for us to be in love, to me

["What are you doing?!"]
Today you belong to me
["let go!"]
I feel your pupils
It's the first time deciding
It can't be wrong

Oh, the first time I said I love you,
I couldn't breathe and my heart couldn't stop trembling,
Oh, the first time I held your hands,
I lost my direction and didn't know where to go,
That's the reason for us to be in love,
["how is it?"]
That's us caring for each other
Oh, the first time I kissed your dimpled,
I wanted to be clear headed but I was light headed instead
["What did you say to me the last time we were here?"]
Oh, the first time you lay on my chest,
["I forgot..."]
We didn't part for 24hours,
That was the first time I knew what everlasting and unchanging meant.
["It's really sweet."
"bye bye."]

["I'm such a stupid pig!"
"What should you have said there?"
"I like you...I really like you!!"
"Who do you like?!"
"Chow Tsu Sun!"
"Who like Chow Tsu Sun?!"
"Wang Guang Liang!"
"This is my first time."
"Mine too. hehe."]



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