綠島小夜曲 [Green Island Serenade] - Vienna Teng 李英愛 {Mandarin 54}

这绿岛像一只船 在月夜里摇啊摇
zhe4 lv4 dao3 xiang4 yi4 zhi1 chuan2 zai4 yue4 ye4 li3 yao2 a5 yao2
This Green Island is like a boat, swaying and swaying in the moon night.

这(this)绿(green)岛(island)像(is like)一(one)只(measure word for boat)船(boat/ship) 在(in/at)月(moon)夜(night)里(within)摇(sway)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh! )摇(sway)
gū1 niang3 yo5 ni3 ye3 zai4 wo3 de5 xin1 hai3 li3 piao1 ya5 piao1
Ah, girl , you are also drifting and floating in the heart sea of mine.

让我的歌声随那微风 吹开了你的窗帘
rang4 wo3 de5 ge1 sheng1 sui2 na4 wei2 feng1 chui1 kai1 le5 ni3 de5 chuang1 lian2
Let my sound of song along with the breeze blow open your window curtain.

让我的衷情随那流水 不断地向你倾诉
rang4 wo3 de5 zhong1 qing2 sui2 na4 liu2 shui3 bu2 duan4 de5 xiang4 ni3 qing1 su4
Let my inner feeling along with that flowing water unceasingly talk everything to you.

椰子树的长影 掩不住我的情意
ye2 zi3 shu4 de5 chang2 ying3 yan3 bu2 zhu4 wo3 de5 qing2 yi4
The long shadow of coconut trees can’t conceal my affection.

明媚的月光 更照亮了我的心
ming2 mei4 de5 yue4 guang1 geng4 zhao4 liang4 le5 wo3 de5 xin1
Bright, beautiful moonlight even more illuminates my heart.

这绿岛的夜 已经这样沈静
zhe4 lv4 dao3 de5 ye4 yi3 jing1 zhe4 yang4 shen2 jing4
This Green Island’s night has already been so calm and quiet.

gu1 niang2 yo5 ni3 wei4 shen2 me5 hai2 shi4 mo4 mo5 wu2 yu3
Ah, girl, why are you still so silent without words?

Repeat Once
**If you are a lady, you can use this version too**
这绿岛像一只船 在月夜里摇啊摇
zhe lv dao xiang yi zhi chuan zai yue ye li yao a yao
This Green Island is like a boat, swaying and swaying in the moon night.

qing lang ya ni ye zai wo de xin hai li piao ya piao
Ah, boyfriend, you are also drifting and floating in the heart sea of mine.

让我的歌声随那微风 吹开了你的窗帘
rang wo de ge sheng sui na wei feng chui kai liao ni de chuang lian
Let my sound of song along with the breeze blow open your window curtain.

让我的衷情随那流水 不断的向你倾诉
rang wo de zhong qing sui na liu shui bu duan de xiang ni qing su
Let my inner feeling along with that flowing water unceasingly talk everything to you.

椰子树的长影 掩不住我的情意
ye zi shu de chang ying yan bu zhu wo de qing yi
The long shadow of coconut trees can’t conceal my affection.

明媚的月光 更照亮了我的心
ming mei de yue guang geng zhao liang liao wo de xin
Bright, beautiful moonlight even more illuminates my heart.

这绿岛的夜 已经这样沈静
zhe lv dao de ye yi jing zhe yang shen jing
This Green Island’s night has already been so calm and quiet.

qing lang yo ni wei shi me huan shi mo mo wu yu
Ah, boyfriend, why are you still so silent without words?

Repeat Once

Translated by Shu

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