相逢何必曾相識 [You Needn’t Be Acquaintances to Meet with Each Other / If we have met, there isn’t a need to know each other / Why was it necessary to meet?] - Ram Tseung Chiang 蔣志光 + Rita Carpio 韋綺姗 {Cantonese 90}

This was a song recently used in a TVB Series Drama called Come On, Cousin, 老表,你好hea!Broadcast from 20 October 2014 – 29 November 2014

The parody for this song is below
*我信愛 同樣信會失去愛 問此刻世上 痴心漢子有幾個
ngo seun oi tung yeung seun wui sat heui oi man chi haak sai seung chi sam hon ji yau gei go
I believe in love also believe in losing love ask this world how many loyal men are there at this point in time

相識相愛相懷疑 離離合合我已覺討厭 只想愛得自然*
seung sik seung oi seung waai yi lei lei hap hap ngo yi gok tou yim ji seung oi dak ji yin
from knowing to loving to doubting each other separating and joining again I already feel it is a nuisance I only want to love naturally

**我怕愛 同樣怕得不到愛 問此刻世上 痴心女子有幾個
ngo pa oi tung yeung pa dak bat dou oi man chi haak sai seung chi sam neui ji yau gei go
I am afraid of love also afraid of not finding love ask this world how many loyal women are there at this point in time?

相知相處相拖欠 緣緣份份我已覺無聊 不想愛得隨便**
seung ji seung chyu seung to him yun yun fan fan ngo yi gok mou liu bat seung oi dak cheui bin
from understanding to getting along to owing each other fate I already feel it is pointless I do not want to love casually

***同是天涯淪落人 在這傷心者通道上同行
tung si tin ngaai leun lok yan joi je seung sam je tung dou seung tung haang
both of us are people who are falling low at the end of the world on this sad passage traveling together

也許不必知道我是誰 無謂令令你令你令你又再又再考慮
ya heui bat bit ji dou ngo si seui mou wai ling nei ling nei ling nei ling nei yau joi yau joi haau leui
perhaps you do not necessarily need to know who I am as to not cause you cause you cause you cause you to consider me again and again

相逢何必曾相識 在這一息間相遇有情人
seung fung ho bit chang seung sik joi je yat sik gaan seung yu yau ching yan
why was it necessary to meet to get to know each other in this resting place meeting a lover

也許不必知道我是誰 無謂令你令你令你令你再度再度灑淚兒***
ya heui bat bit ji dou ngo si seui mou wai ling nei ling nei ling nei ling nei joi dou joi dou sa leui yi
perhaps you do not necessarily need to know who I am as to not cause you cause you cause you cause you to weep once more once more

*我信愛 同樣信會失去愛 問此刻世上 痴心漢子有幾個
**我怕愛 同樣怕得不到愛 問此刻世上 痴心女子有幾個相識相愛相懷疑 離離合合我已覺討厭 只想愛得自然*
相知相處相拖欠 緣緣份份我已覺無聊 不想愛得隨便**

***同是天涯淪落人 在這傷心者通道上同行
也許不必知道我是誰 無謂令令你令你令你又再又再考慮
相逢何必曾相識 在這一息間相遇有情人
也許不必知道我是誰 無謂令你令你令你令你再度再度灑淚兒***

同是天涯淪落人 相逢何必曾相識
tung si tin ngaai leun lok yan 
seung fung ho bit chang seung sik
both of us have a similar past or both living far away where we are use to be. So when we meet (meet because of fate) why do we have to know each other.  (
It comes from a poem "Pi Pa Xing"《琵琶行 》by bai ju yi 白居易 )

也許不必知道我是誰 無謂令你令你令你令你再度再度灑淚兒
ya heui bat bit ji dou ngo si seui mou wai ling nei ling nei ling nei ling nei joi dou joi dou sa leui yi
perhaps you do not necessirily need to know who I am as to not cause you cause you cause you cause you to weep once more once more

留給你 請珍惜這段友誼
lau kap nei ching jan sik je dyun yau yi
leaving behind for you please cherish this friendship

也許一天可以既話 准許我多愛一次
ya heui yat yin ho yi gei wa jeun heui ngo do oi yat chi
perhaps if one day I can allow me to love one more time

且把今晚的諾言 留待以後一一發展 篇寫愛的經典
che ba gam maan dik nok yin lau doi yi hau yat yat faat jin pin se oi dik ging din
moreover let tonight's promise remain to be developed one by one in the future writing a classic love story




  1. 同是天涯淪落人 相逢何必曾相識does not mean "both of us are people who are falling low at the end of the world why was it necessary to meet to get to know each other ". It coms from a poem "Pi Pa Xing"《琵琶行 》by bai ju yi 白居易 . It means "both of us have a similar past or both living far away where we are use to be. So when we meet (meet because of fate) why do we have to know each other. "

  2. Thanks for the correction. Much appreciated
