一個為妳甘願蹈火海的人 [One of you are willing to dance the flames / A person willing to dive into a sea of fire for you] - Ekin Cheng 鄭伊健 {Cantonese 95}

最愛的 毋害怕 真愛永遠不死
jeui oi dik mou hoi pa jan oi wing yun bat sei
most loved one do not be afraid real love will never die

必將再與你一起 戀愛十萬個世紀
bit jeung oi yu nei yat hei lyun oi sap maan go sai gei
surely I will reunite with you again to love for a hundred thousand centuries

最愛的 如若你 感孤單和傷悲
jeui oi dik yu yeuk nei gam gu daan wo seung bei
most loved one if you are feeling lonely and sad

請把你兩眼關起 准我在思海裡飛
ching ba nei leung ngaan gwaan hei jeun ngo joi si hoi leui fei
please close your eyes allowing me to fly into your thoughts

kau ming baak je long yan si wai nei fu dou saan dik yan
asking for understanding this vagabond will go through all means (sword, mountain) for you

yan nei si ngo noi sam dukl yat dik lyun yan
because you are the only lover in my innermost feelings

潮來潮會他去 情來情絕不退
chiu loi chiu wui ta heui ching loi ching jyut bat teui

tides come tides goes emotions come emotions will not back away

我為誰活去 從沒有疑問
ngo wai seui wut heui chung mut yau yi man

who am I living for yet never having any queries

yat go wai nei gam heui dou fo hoi dik yan

I am one who is willing to go into the inferno for you

bit joi wui loi wui ta yit lyun dik lyun yan
a lover who must return again to meet with him to love

情人求你等我 無人能阻我
ching yan kau nei dang ngo mou yan nang jo ngo

lover please wait for me no one can block me

joi dou loi gung nei chung san gik lit yit yung man 
once more coming together with you again to passionately kiss
最愛的 毋害怕 真愛永遠都真
jeui oi dik mou hoi pa jan oi wing yun dou jan
most loved one do not be afraid real love is always real

知否愛你有多深 海也未及這麼深
ji fau oi nei yau do sam hoi ya mei kap je mo sam
do you understand how deeply I love you the ocean has yet to be that deep

這一生 和下世 都盼有緣與份
je yat saang wo ha sai dou paan yau yun yu fan

this lifetime and next lifetime I hope to be destined to take part

可否再聽你聲音 可再互相的抱緊
ho fau joi teng nei sing yam ho joi wu seung dik pou gan
can I hear your voice again can we embrace each other again

*求明白這浪人是為你赴刀山的人因你是我內心獨一的戀人潮來潮會他去 情來情絕不退我為誰活去 從沒有疑問一個為你甘去蹈火海的人必再回來會他熱戀的戀人情人求你等我 無人能阻我再度來共你重新激烈熱擁吻*


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