漫步人生路 [Walking The Human Road] - Teresa Teng 鄧麗君 {Cantonese 85}

joi nei san bin lou seui yun mei pei gyun
at your side although the road is long I am not fatigue

bun nei maan haang yat dyun jip yat dyun
accompanying you to freely walk through one passage to the next

yut gwo gou fung ling yat fung keuk yau gin
to overcome one peak and the other peak is still to come

muk biu teui yun yeung lei seung wing yun joi chin min
set the objectives far let your ideals forever be in front
lou jung kei keui yik bat pa sau mo lin
even if the road is rough I am not afraid to endure the obstacles

yun yat saang jung fu tung faai lok ya tai yim
wishing in life the bitterness and happiness is also an experience

yu faai bei oi joi san bin jyun yau jyun
pleasure and sorrow at one's side revolves again and again

fung jung seung syut mou leui seung fa faai lok joi wui syun
the wind gives snow the fog gives flowers happiness circles around

**毋用計較 快欣賞身邊美麗每一天
mou yung gai gaau faai yan seung san bin mei lai mui yat tin
no use to argue quick to appreciate the beauty at your side everyday

waan yun kok seun mei ging leung san joi geuk bin
still willing to believe that beautiful scenery and fine fortunes are by my side

願將歡笑聲 蓋埯苦痛那一面
yun jeung fun siu seng goi yim fu tung na yat min
willing to let the sounds of laughter cover up the side of bitterness

悲也好 喜也好 每天找到新發現
bei ya hou hei ya hou mui tin jaau dou san faat yin
sorrow may be good happiness may be good each day succeed in finding new discoveries

讓疾風吹呀吹 儘管給我兩考驗
yeung jat fung cheui a cheui jeun gun kap ngo leung haau yim
let the wind blow and blow managing our tests to the utmost

小雨點 放心灑 早已決心向著前**
siu yu dim fong sam sa jou yi kyut sam heung jeuk chin
little raindrops be at ease to sprinkle I have already determined to move ahead
**毋用計較 快欣賞身邊美麗每一天
還願確信美景良辰在腳邊願將歡笑聲 蓋埯苦痛那一面悲也好 喜也好 每天找到新發現讓疾風吹呀吹 儘管給我兩考驗小雨點 放心灑 早已決心向著前**


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