小酒窩 [Small Dimples] - JJ Lin 林俊杰 + Charlene Choi A-Sa 蔡卓妍 {Mandarin 08}

我還在尋找 一個依靠和一個擁抱
wo hai zai xun zhao yi ge yi kao he yi ge yong bao
I am still searching for someone to rely on and someone to hug

誰替我祈禱 替我煩惱 為我生氣為我鬧
shei ti wo qi dao ti wo fan nao wei wo sheng qi wei wo nao
who is praying on my behalf worrying on my behalf being mad for me arguing for me

*幸福開始有預兆 緣分讓我們慢慢緊靠
xing fu kai shi you yu zhao yuan fen rang wo men man man jin kao
the beginning of happiness has an omen fate has let us slowly get closer

然後孤單被吞沒了 無聊變得有話聊 有變化了*
ran hou gu dan bei tun mo le wu liao bian de you hua liao you bian hua liao
then loneliness was swallowed to end bored changed to having something say there is change

**小酒窩 長睫毛 是你最美的記號
xiao jiu wo chang jie mao shi ni zui mei de ji hao
little dimples long lashes is your most beautiful features

我每天睡不著 想念你的微笑
wo mei tian shui bu zhao xiang nian ni de wei xiao
everyday I cannot sleep thinking about your smile

你不知道 你對我多麼重要
ni bu zhi dao ni dui wo duo me zhong yao
you do not know how important you are to me

有了你 生命完整的剛好**
you le ni sheng ming wan zheng de gang hao
having you life is exactly complete

***小酒窩 長睫毛 迷人的無可救藥
xiao jiu wo chang jie mao mi ren de wu ke jiu yao
little dimples long lashes bewildering people that no medicine can heal

我放慢了步調 感覺像是喝醉了
wo fang man li bu diao gan jue xiang shi he zui liao
I slowed down my pace the feeling is like being drunk

終於找到 心有靈犀的美好
zhong yu zhao dao xin you ling xi de mei hao
finally finding it the happines of knowing what the other is thinking

一輩子暖暖的好 我永遠愛你到老***
yi bei zi nuan nuan de hao wo yong yuan ai ni dao lao
the good of having a lifetime of warmth I will always love you until old age

*幸福開始有預兆 緣分讓我們慢慢緊靠然後孤單被吞沒了 無聊變得有話聊 有變化了***小酒窩 長睫毛 是你最美的記號我每天睡不著 想念你的微笑你不知道 你對我多麼重要有了你 生命完整的剛好*****小酒窩 長睫毛 迷人的無可救藥我放慢了步調 感覺像是喝醉了終於找到 心有靈犀的美好一輩子暖暖的好 我永遠愛你到老*** 

***小酒窩 長睫毛 迷人的無可救藥我放慢了步調 感覺像是喝醉了終於找到 心有靈犀的美好一輩子暖暖的好 我永遠愛你到老***


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