無人之境 [Unhindered] - Eason Chan 陳奕迅 {Cantonese 10}

讓理智在叫著冷靜冷靜 還恃住年少氣盛
yeung lei ji joi giu jeuk laang jing laang jing waan chi jyu nin siu hei sing
let reason be shouting calm down calm down still relying on the recklessness of youth

讓我對著衝動背著宿命 渾忘自己的姓
yeung ngo deui jeuk chung dung bui jeuk suk ming wan mong ji gei dik sing
let me face impulsiveness turn my back on karma completely forgetting my surname

沉睡的兇猛在甦醒 完全為你現形
cham seui dik hung maang joi sou sing yun chyun wai nei yin ying
the fierceness of deep sleep is awakening entirely appearing because of you

這個世界最壞罪名 叫太易動情
je go sai gaai jeui waai jeui ming giu taai yi dung ching
the worst accusation in this world is known to fall in love too easily

daan ngo hei fun je jeui ming
but I like this accusation

*驚天動地 只可惜天地亦無情
ging tin dung dei ji ho sik tin dei yik mou ching
earth shattering only a pity that the world is also merciless

不敢有風 不敢有聲
bat gam yau fung bat gam yau sing
do not dare to be windy do not dare to make noise

je oi ching mou yan jing
this love has no witness

飛天遁地 貪一刻的樂極忘形
fei tin deun dei taam yat haak dik lok gik mong ying
sky flying earth escaping greedy for one moment of unforgettable, utmost happiness

好想說謊 不眨眼睛*
hou seung syut fong bat jaap ngaan jing
really want to lie to not blink

je oi ching mou yan sing
this love has no witness

若世界陷進大騙局裡面 朋友亦難以發現
yeuk sai gaai haam jeun daai pin guk leui min pang yau yik naan yi faat yin
if the world fall into a big scam also hard for friends to discover

共你隔著空在秘密通電 挑戰道德底線
gung nei gaak jeuk hung joi bei mat tung din tiu jin dou dak dai sin
with you separated by air as we secretly connect challenging the limits of morality

如若早三五年相見 何來內心交戰
yu yeuk jou saam ng nin seung gin ho loi noi sam gaau jin
if we met three or five year earlier why would there be an inner struggle

我信與你繼續亂纏 難再有發展
ngo seun yu nei gai juk lyun chin naan joi yau faat jin
I believe continuing to be disorderly involved with you will be hard to develop again

dan wo xiang gen ni luan chan
but I want to be disorderly involved with you

*驚天動地 只可惜天地亦無情不敢 有風 不敢有聲這愛情無人証飛天遁地 貪一刻的樂極忘形好想說謊 不眨眼睛*
chi jeun yap mou yan ging
seems as if we are entering an uninhabited territory
jik si gaan jing go yeuk wui ching dui yau am chi dei ha sing
even if the mood of the entire date is as gloomy as an underground city

waan si syun wan hing
it still is consider sweet

do mo seung gan nei saan bou kiu seung ba bei hon jeuk fung ging
how much I want to take you for a walk on the bridge holding hands looking at the scenery

daan si ngo ching sing
but I am clear-headed

yut leung jung bat hang jiu leung ching yuk sam chyu na dou bui ying
the moon is not willing to illuminate the abyss of love and lust that view from behind

nei ngo jeung faai faai lok lok tung yau joi yi ging
you and I seem to be happily traveling together in different territories

long maan dou yat hei ye jyut jing
so romantic that we both attract a terminal illness

不想說明 只想反應
bat seung syut ming ji seung faan ying
do not want to explain only want to react


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