發現號 [Discovery] - Rubberband {Cantonese 07}

*撞進了冰山 捲上了急灣 一秒從未想折返
jong jeun liu bing saan gyun seung liu gap waan yat miu chung mei seung jit faan
colliding against an iceberg wrapping up into a rapid gulf not one second thinking of turning back

就望到了 就能望到了 終會踏足這峽灣
jau mong dou liu jau nang mong dou liu jung wui daap juk je haap waan
almost see it almost can see it finally will step above this creek

劃破了風衣 丟了救生衣 未曾想過會倖免*
waak po liu fung yi diu liu gau saang yi mei chang seung gwo wui hang min
ripping away the wind breaker throwing aside the life jacket never thought of escaping luck

若生於某個 總擠不進我地點 註定遠征一遍
yeuk saan yu mau go jung jai bat jeun ngo dei dim jyu ding yun jing yat pin
if born during that time not allowed to gather together at my location destined to march one way

這發熱汗腺 也都乾透了
je faat yit hon sin ya dou gon tau liu
this heated, sweating gland is also dry up thoroughly

雙腿卻繼續狂放 在衝出那人浪
seung teui keuk gai juk kwong fong joi chung cheut na yan long
both legs yet continue to wildly run rushing out to the crowd of people

幾次被埋葬 窄巷中復活過幾趟 留一口氣講
gei chi bei maai jong jaak hong jung fuk wut gwo gei tong lau yat hau hei gong
buried for how times in an alley resurrected many rounds preserving one breath to say 

再失敗 至懂看透
joi sat baai ji dung hon tau
defeated again only to thoroughly 

那不甘 去為我來營救 向著太陽狂走
na bat gam heui wai ngo loi ying gau heung jeuk taai yeung kwong jau
that unwilling to go rescue for me wildly running towards the sun

*撞進了冰山 捲上了急灣 一秒從未想折返就望到了 就能望到了 終會踏足這峽灣 
劃破了風衣 丟了救生衣 未曾想過會倖免*
中進發 不甘安置到盲點 上路去再實踐
gwong jung jeun faat bat gam on ji dou maang dim seung lou heui joi sat chin
setting out from the light not willing to settle down to the blind spot starting the journey again to fulfill 

板塊移動了 亂世中絕地裡反抗 誰躲於暗光
baan faai yi dung liu lyun sai jung jyut dei leui faan kong seui do yu am gwong
the iceberg moved in the chaos of the danger spot resisting who is avoiding the darkness

直到失敗 至懂看透
jik dou sat baai ji dung hon tau
until defeat only to thoroughly 

讓那不甘 去為我來營救 向著太陽狂走
yeung na bat gam heui wai ngo loi ying gau heung jeuk taai yeung kwong jau
making one unwilling going to rescue for me facing toward the sun running wildly

*撞進了冰山 捲上 了急灣 一秒從未想折返就望到了 就能望到了 終會踏足這峽灣 
劃破了風衣 丟了救生衣* 成全這最美歷險
waak po liu fung yi diu liu gau saang yi sing chyun je jeui mei lik himripping away the wind breaker throwing aside the life jacket completing the most beautiful adventure 

光中進發 不甘安置到盲點 上路去再實踐
gwong jung jeun faat bat gam on ji dou maang dim seung lou heui joi sat chin

setting out from the light not willing to settle down to the blind spot starting the journey again to fulfill 

撞碎了冰山 衝過了急灣 登上完夢的峽灣
jong seui liiu bing saan chung gwo liu gap waan dang seung yun mung dik haap waan
breaking the iceberg to pieces rushing pass the rapid gulf mounting onto this perfect dream creek

望到了 望到了 白雲搭上一片藍
mong dou liu mong dou liu baak wan daap seung yat pin laam
can see it can see it white clouds arranged on top of the blue

記載了凶險 傷勢也不淺 腳踏這裡這一天
gei joi liu hung him seung sai ya bat chin geuk daap je leui je yat tin
recording the danger the wounds are not light to be standing here on this day

歷史中結算 一心走出錯地點 幹下遠征一遍
lik si jung git syun yat sam jau cheut cho dei dim gon ha yun jing yat pin
settling history wholeheartedly moving from the wrong location going to march one way


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