愛人與海 [Love with the sea] - Raymond Lam 林峯 {Cantonese 08}

在木筏抱擁 橫渡過紅海為了找你
joi muk fat pou yung waang dou gwo hung hoi wai liu jaau nei
on a wooden raft holding on crossing the Red Sea to find you

可惜你卻生氣 浪花忽而捲起
ho sik nei keuk saang hei long fa fat yi gyun hei
it is a pity you are still mad the tides suddenly stir

熟睡在愛海 誰料愛情能被你狠狠浸死
suk seui hoi oi hoi seui liu oi ching nang bei nei han han jam sei
sound asleep in the ocean of love who would have guess that love could ruthlessly drown you

ji gwaai hei fun nei bat hei
only blaming that I am not worthy of liking you

*撐呀撐 恐怕一直在原地
chaang a chaang hung pa yat jik joi yun dei
paddle paddle afraid that I will always be in the same spot

dat yin siu sat liu lok geuk dei
suddenly disappearing from your lodging place

dak nei yat seng deui bat hei
obtaining only your apology

**活在大海只可以漂泊 並沒什麼比起你兇惡
wut joi daai hoi ji ho yi piu bok bing muy sam mo bei hei nei hung ngok
living in the ocean I can only drift and nothing can compare to your fierceness

你是個浪我怎寄託 如大海失去海港
nei si go long ngo jam gei tok yu daai hoi sat heui hoi gong 
you are a wave how can I rely on you as if the ocean loses its harbor

活在大海想找救生索 船兒停泊不了你的海角
wut joi daai hoi seung jaau gau saang sok syun yi ting bok bat liu nei dik hoi gok
living in the ocean wanting to find a life-saving rope the boat cannot anchor at your cape

愛你也許要將情懷揮霍 潮汐都乾涸**
oi nei ya heui yiu jeung ching waai fai fok chiu jik dou gon kok
perhaps loving you I need to let the feelings squander the tide is also drying up

自問是我蠢 停在碼頭等待你歡送
ji man si ngo cheun ting joi ma tau dang doi nei fun sung
I ask myself if I was stupid stopping on the pier waiting for your farewell

可惜你太廣闊 並不可以相擁
ho sik nei taai gwong fut bing bat ho yi seung yung
it is a pity you are too vast we cannot mutually embrace

巨浪又暗湧 無限隻船停在你寬廣領海
geui long yau am yung mou haan jek syun ting joi nei fun gwong ling hoi
a huge wave is rushing forth again unlimited boats are stopping on your vast waters

bei ngo hou dik taai do jung
better than me in too many ways

*撐呀撐 恐怕一直在原地突然消失了落腳地得你一聲對不起*
**活在大海只可以漂泊 並沒什麼比起你兇惡
你是個浪我怎寄託 如大海失去海港
活在大海想找救生索 船兒停泊不了你的海角愛你也許要將情懷揮霍 潮汐都乾涸**

na go wui yung oi sam da lou ngo
which one will use compassion to salvage me

baat sap go long ping ming chung jau ngo
eighty waves use their lives to wash me away

lau hei dik seui paau keuk tung ching ngo
the leaky lifesaver however sympathizes with me

**活在大海只可以漂泊 並沒什麼比起你兇惡
你是個浪我怎寄託 如大海失去海港
活在大海想找救生索 船兒停泊不了你的海角愛你也許要將情懷揮霍 潮汐都乾涸**


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