神話情話 [Myths love words] - Chyi Yu 齊豫 + Wakin Emil Chau 周华健 {Cantonese 95}

oi si jyu faai si naan gwo si tou zeoi si cing seoi
love is happy is sorrow is infatuation is moods

waak zoi jat hou si zok cyun kei
perhaps someday is perceived as creating a legend

oi si mang joek si zaap gwaan si si gaan si baak faat 
love is an alliance is a habit is time is white hair

jaa giu nei ngo zaa geng zaa hei
also calls for you and me to be suddenly startled suddenly joyful

完全遺忘自己 竟可相許生與死
jyun cyun wai mong zi gei ging ho soeng heoi saang jyu sei
completely forget oneself unexpectedly can mutually promise life and death

來日誰來問起 天高風急雙雙遠飛
loi jat seoi loi man hei tin gou fung gap soeng soeng jyun fei
in the future whoever comes to ask high in the skies urgent winds paired together flying in the distant

oi si mei siu si kwong siu si so siu si waan siu
love is smiling is laughing insanely is laughing foolishly is joking 

waak si wai syu hoi paa sik liu 
or is for fear and solitary

oi si ho gaa si ho gu zoi ho sai jau ho ji
love is what price is what past in what generation and what place

deoi ze sai gaai syut zung sung fo
in this world giving warmth (fire) in the cold (snow)

誰還祈求什麼 可歌可泣的結果
seoi waan kei kau sam mo ho go ho kap dik git gwo 
who still can request for what an epic result

誰能承受後果 翻天覆海不枉最初*
seoi nang sing sau hau gwo faan tin fuk hoi bat wong zeoi co 
who can bear the consequences shaking the skies overturning the ocean not distorting the beginning

jau nei jau ngo syut zung sung fo 
there is you there is me giving warmth (fire) in the cold (snow)

oi zoi mai mai wu wu pun gu co hoi bin hoi ci
loving in a daze creator of the universe (pangu) first start still started

這 浪浪漫漫舊故事
ze long long maan maan gau gu si
this romantic, old story

oi zoi mung mung lung lung cin sang gam saang wo taa saang
loving hazily in previous life this life and other life

paa co gwo liu jaa bat wui zi
afraid to miss and will not know

dit lok mong mong hung can naam bak sai dung jik soeng ji
falling into the vast and obscure human society south north west east also mutually dependent

paa duk zi wut zoek mut ji ji 
afraid of being alone living has no meaning

oi si loi loi wui wui cing si jat si jau jat si 
love is returning of love traces one trace and another trace

至你與我此生永不 闊別時**
zi nei jyu ngo ci sang wing bat fut bit si
to you and me this life never separating for a long time

誰還祈求什麼 可歌可泣的結果
誰能承受後果 翻天覆海不枉最初*

這 浪浪漫漫舊故事
至你與我此生永不 闊別時**


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