不許你注定一人 [Never be alone / Not allow you to be alone] - DEAR JANE {Cantonese 13}

看 看著你的臉 躺在我枕邊
look, looking at your face. lying next to me on the bed

you extended the time

你 折射了光線 刷亮我眼邊
you, refracted the light and shine on my eyes

the afternoon sunshine makes you look good

不管身邊多改變 只顧這日誓言
no matter what happen around me, i only care about the vow on this day

by your side silently

不許你註定一人 永遠共你去抱緊
never be alone, stay with you forever

一生中百樣可能 愛上你是種緣份
there are hundreds of possibilities in life, loving you is a fate

簡單的一吻 手心的抖震
a simple kiss, the shake of hands

showing that i won’t be living my life alone

只想會有日可能 與你共姓的身份
i only hope that someday we could have the same last name

要回望這生 也有你陪襯
when i need to look back to my life ,i have you to stay with me

不作陌生人 只做你情人 不枉此生
no strangers, only to be your lover, then my life won’t be wasted

怕 看著你走遠 歲月實太淺
scared, watching you going away, time is passing fast

if one day you get lost, the way to go home is still the same

不管天開始積雪 這世界再決絕
no matter it’s snowing, how cruel is this world

i still want to be with you to go through the bitter part

不許你註定一人 永遠共你去抱緊
never be alone, stay with you forever

一生中百樣可能 愛上你是種緣份
there are hundreds of possibilities in life, loving you is a fate

簡單的一吻 手心的抖震
a simple kiss, the shake of hands

showing that i won’t be living my life alone

只想會有日可能 與你共姓的身份
i only hope that someday we could have the same last name

要回望這生 也有你陪襯
when i need to look back to my life ,i have you to stay with me

不作陌生人 只做你情人 不枉此生
no strangers, only to be your lover, then my life won’t be wasted

從來不相信一生一愛侶 從來不堪一對
never believed in one life one love, never had a good one

別再等 別再等 是你的聲音給方向感
stop waiting, stop waiting. it’s your voice that gives me sense of direction

不許你註定一人 永遠共你去抱緊
never be alone, stay with you forever

一生中百樣可能 愛上你是種緣份
there are hundreds of possibilities in life, loving you is a fate

簡單的一吻 手心的抖震
a simple kiss, the shake of hands

showing that i won’t be living my life alone

只想會有日可能 與你共姓的身份
i only hope that someday we could have the same last name

要回望這生 也有你陪襯
when i need to look back to my life ,i have you to stay with me

不作陌生人 只做你情人 不枉此生
no strangers, only to be your lover, then my life won’t be wasted


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