愛得起 [Give Love] - Stephanie Cheng 鄭融 + Linda Chung 鍾嘉欣 {Cantonese 10}

怕 受傷 失去 沒膽愛 結局卻不改
paa sau soeng sat heoi mut daam oi git guk koek bat goi
afraid to be hurt to lose have no guts to love the ending still does not change
向後看 只看重傷痛 怎擁有現在
hoeng hau hon zi hon zung soeng tung zam jung jau jin zoi
looking backwards only valuing grief and pain how to possess the present
正在愛不顧下一秒 錯誤與精彩
zing zoi oi bat gu haa jat miu co ng jyu zing coi
while loving not willing for the next second mistake and brilliant
愛自己所愛就不會 驚天跌下來
oi zi gei so oi zau bat wui geng tin dit haa loi
loving your own loved one then the startled sky will not stumble down

*誰又要回顧 用我心體驗
seoi jau jiu wui gu jung ngo sam tai jim
who also needs to look back use my heart to personally experience
我以真身真心 真意地上演
ngo ji zan san zan sam zan ji dei soeng jin
I use the means of real self sincerity real sentiments to perform
gou dai hei dit dei hau tin gou caang dak hei
up down rising falling deep skies high can afford to support 
nang soeng sau jung pou bei jyu ze fung jau nei soeng bei
can embrace with both hands to shelter from rain protect from wind having both your arms

tung haang si zuk gan so jau ging hei
while traveling together tightly grasping all pleasant surprises
你我的一切細節 更精美
nei ngo dik jat cai sai zit gang zing mei
yours and my every detail is more refined
jau zyu gwong bou hei mei jau zan sam liu bat hei
having jewelry and accessories is not as extraordinary as sincerity 
wai jat ze jat deoi mut jyu san bin naa deoi soeng bei
only this one pair does not compare to the pair by one's side

***從前曾擔心失去 終失之交臂
cung cin cang daam sam sat heoi sung sat zi gaau bei
formerly once worried about losing finally losing one's exchanged arm
dan ngo ji oi dak hei
but I already can afford to love 

怕撲空至撲空 投入到每分每刻都會記下
paa pok hung zi pok hung tau jap dou mui fan mui hak dou wui gei haa
afraid to miss one's aim then will miss one's aim invested in each minute each moment all will be recorded
zoeng soen sam heoi baa ngo dik ji leoi fong haa
let confidence remove my hesitation aside
會一世不變嗎 經得起變卦
wui jat sai bat bin maa ging dak hei bin gwaa
will it not changed for a lifetime can endure changes
若最後告別了 亦是愛吧
joek zeoi hau gou bit liu jik si oi baa
if at the end bid farewell still is love

抓緊開心的一刻 與流淚的一刻
zaa gan hoi sam dik jat hak jyu lau leoi dik jat hak
firmly grasp the moment of happiness and the moment of weeping
怎望天去打掛 一路跟你轉化
zam mong tin heoi daa gwaa jat lou gan nei zyun faa
how to hope to the skies for help continuing to follow you to change
相擁一刻 幸福嗎
soeng jung jat hak hang fuk maa
the moment embracing is it happiness
爭吵的一刻 就一下
zang caau dik jat hak zau jat haa
the moment of dispute is only once
留意過程可以 看到眼前那變化
lau ji gwo cing ho ji hon dou ngaan cin naa bin faa
pay attention to the process can see the changse in front of one's eyes

*誰又要回顧 用我心體驗
我以真身真心 真意地上演

你我的一切細節 更精美

***從前曾擔心失去 終失之交臂

bat bit dak dou daai zung fun fu jyu gung hei
no need to attain the public's cheer and congratulations
nang soeng sau jung pou zik zip gaan daan jaa syun fuk hei
can embrace with both hands direct simple also is good fortune

你我的一切細節 更精美

無人能阻擋到我 風景這麼美
mou jan nang zo dong dou ngo fung ging ze mo mei
no one can obstruct me scenery is this beautiful
mut co ngo oi dak hei
that is correct I can afford to love


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