以你為榮 [Proud of you] - Leo Ku 古巨基 {Cantonese 09}

淚要乾 路要趕 為了誰拼命幹
leoi jiu gon lou jiu gon wai liu seoi ping meng gon
tears need to dry one needs to hurry after the path who does one risk life for

未見影 未見光 尚有你不失望

mei gin jing mei gin gwong soeng jau nei bat sat mong
have yet seen the shadow have yet seen the light there is still you who has not lost hope

沿途白眼在同行 你假裝開朗 捱過苦況
jyun tou baak ngaan zoi tung hong nei gaa zong hoi long ngaai gwo fu fong
on the way with critical eyes on the journey you pretend to be carefree enduring the bitter condition


病要起 倦要飛 沒有時間治理
beng jiu hei gyun jiu fei mut jau si gaan zi lei
sick one needs to wake tired one needs to fly does not have time to take care

任我生 任我死 是甚麼滋味
jam ngo saang jam ngo sei si sam mo zi mei 

let me live let me die is what type of feeling

成就若要值得恭喜 只因可送給你
sing zau joek jiu zik dak gung hei zi jan ho sung kap nei
if accomplishments are worth celebrating it is only because one can give them to you

*回頭看每滴微汗 未負你每日期望 從孱弱活出強壯*
wui tau hon mui dik mei hon mei fu nei mui jat kei mong cung saan joek wut ceot koeng zong
looking back at each drop of sweat did not lose to your expectations from being weak to living strong

**我與你 就像渡過千生千世
ngo jyu nei zau zoeng dou gwo cin saang cin sai 

me and you seem like we have pass through thousands of life and generations 

我要你 沒白白叫心血流逝
ngo jiu nei mut baak baak giu sam hyut lau sai 

i want you to not vainly let meticulous care pass 

誰待我 像垃圾亦無憾無愧
seoi doi ngo zoeng laap saap jik mou ham mou kwai 

who treats me like trash yet feels no regret or shame 

共你 牽手上天梯
gung nei hin sau soeng tin tai 

with you holding hands up heaven's steps

你有我 但願令你不可一世
nei jau ngo daan jyun ling nei bat ho jat sai

you have me as if to let you be insufferably arrogant

我有你 便沒道理可跌低**
ngo jau nei bin mut dou lei ho dit dai 

i have you without reason to slip down

***苦能成甘 不感激你 怎敢說 青春哪有浪費***
fu nang sing gam bat gam gik nei zam gam syut cing ceon naa jau long fai
bitter can become sweet not appreciating you how can one say how youth is not wasted

受了驚 摘了星 沒理誰會贈慶
sau liu geng zaak liu sing mut lei seoi wui zang hing 

suffering startle picking stars not caring who will join in the fun

是困境 是美景 用甚麼肯定
si kwan ging si mei ging jung sam mo hang ding 

it is a difficult situation it is a beautiful view using what to be definite

如忘掉你受的苦水 算是甚麼心聲
jyu mong diu nei dik fu seoi syun si sam mo sam seng
if one forgets the misery you suffered how could it be considered inner thoughts

*回頭看每滴微汗 未負你每日期望 從孱弱活出強壯*

**我與你 就像渡過千生千世
我要你 沒白白叫心血流逝
誰待我 像垃圾亦無憾無愧
共你 牽手上天梯
你有我 但願令你不可一世
我有你 便沒道理可跌低**
***苦能成甘 不感激你
 怎敢說 青春哪有浪費***

在浮沙裡 是你 不管我高矮
zoi fau saa leoi si nei bat gun ngo gou ai 

on the floating sand is you not caring if i am tall or short

曾害怕低處未算低 多得你捱出一切
cang hoi paa dai cyu mei syun dai do dak nei ngaai ceot jat cai
used to be afraid the low place is not considered low grateful to you to endure everything

**我與你 就像渡過千生千世
我要你 沒白白叫心血流逝
誰待我 像垃圾亦無憾無愧
共你 牽手上天梯
你有我 但願令你不可一世
我有你 便沒道理可跌低**
苦能成甘 都多得你
 不知我 怎麼報答上帝
fu nang sing gam dou do dak nei bat zi ngo zam mo bou daap soeng dai
bitter can become sweet all grateful to you unknowing to me how to repay god

失去幾多季 得到今日 未算枉費
sat heoi gei do gwai dak dou gam jat mei syun wong fai
lost how many seasons to achieve today not to count as a waste


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