打開天空 [Open the Sky] - Kelly Chan 陳慧琳 + Daniel Chan 陳曉東 + Ray Chan 陳紀匡 + Joyce Yau 邱穎欣 {Cantonese 95}

The lyrics of the song are about being active and energetic (I guess mainly because the cigarette wanted a positive image to be related to their product).

Daniel’s lines will be indicated by “D:”, Kelly’s by “K:”, Ray’s by “R:”, Joyce’s by “J:” and when they sing together “T:”.

Note that a large section of the lyrics got repeated many times throughout the song, so I will not be repeating translating it in the following, I will only show it once when it first appeared.

T: Sing, sing and sing to make it stand up.

J: every cells are climbing to the top.

T: Dance, dance and dance to make it stand up.

D: Speak using rhythm.

T: Sing, sing and sing to make it sounds good.

K: You will sing out your talent.

T: Dance, dance and dance to show off your skill.

R: Like ups and downs.

T: A flying Pegasus, it is not a problem to show your true feeling.

R: Unlimited noise are filled in our blood stream. It is destiny that we couldn’t hide this anymore.

K: Like dreams and wishes, it is always the same through time. Like Pegasus, couldn’t be controlled.

D: There are many emotions; many feelings. But without good song, how could we attract more people.

J: If without song, how could we live? So don’t be silence and don’t let it drag on.


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