男朋友 [Boyfriend] - Louis Koo 古天樂 {Cantonese 00}

《 男朋友 》男朋友
作詞:林夕 作曲:伍樂成

<<>> Boyfriend
Lyrics: Lam Chik 
Music: Ng Lok Sing

為著舊愛 正在結疤
令任何人 遺留任何牽掛

wai jeuk gau ngoi jingjoi git ba
joi ya batgam do gong cho wa
ling yamho yan wai lau yamho hin gwa

The wounds are still trying to heal from my last relationship
I don't want to say more wrong words 
that will upset anyone

寂寞令我 滿臉雪花
尤其是你 這樣愛他

jikmok ling ngo mun min syut fa
lin ching gam dou han seung fong ha
yaukeisi nei jeyeung ngoi ta

Loneliness fills my face with snowflakes
Tempting me to to let go of any love I feel
Especially you, who loves him such

回答我可不可以暫時讓我 講出感覺後
才直說你有男朋友 現在就要走

wuidaap ngo hobathoyi jaamsi yeung ngo gongcheut gamgok hau
choi jik syut nei yau nampangyau yinjoi jau yiu jau

Answer me, can you temporarily let me say out how I feel?
And then you can tell me that you have a boyfriend, that you have to leave now

回答我可不可以暫時讓我 牽牽手
牽一牽你手 我便甜蜜夠

wuidaapngo hobathoyi jaamsi yeung ngo hinhin sau
ngo mong seung dik bat wui yau
hin yat hin nei sau ngo bin tim mat gau

Answer me, can you let me hold your hand for a little while
My wishful thinking won't happen
To hold your hand, it will be sweet enough for me

實在是我 太沒眼光
為任何人 遺留任何感覺

satjoi si ngo taai mut ngan gong
joi ya batgam jyu duo kei mong
wai yamho yan wai lau yamho gamgok

Actually it's my gross lack of foresight
I don't want to have too many expectations anymore
I don't want to leave anyone with any kind of feelings

實在沒法 努力說謊
然而為你 我願意講

satjoi mutfaat nolik syut fong
ngoi ngo ho yatsaang dou faailok
yinyi wai nei ngo yunyi gong

Actually there's no way, to strive to lie
Loving me will bring a lifetime of happiness
For you, I'm willing to say it

回答我可不可以暫時讓我 講出感覺後
才直說你有男朋友 現在就要走

wuidaap ngo hobathoyi jaamsi yeung ngo gongcheut gamgok hau
choi jik syut nei yau nampangyau yinjoi jau yiu jau

Answer me, can you temporarily let me say out how I feel?
And then you can tell me that you have a boyfriend, that you have to leave now

回答我可不可以暫時讓我 牽牽手
牽一牽你手 我便甜蜜夠

wuidaapngo hobathoyi jaamsi yeung ngo hinhin sau
ngo mong seung dik bat wui yau
hin yat hin nei sau ngo bin tim mat gau

Answer me, can you let me hold your hand for a little while
My wishful thinking won't happen
To hold your hand, it will be sweet enough for me

回答我可不可以暫時讓我講出 感覺後
才直說你有男朋友 現在就要走

wuidaap ngo hobathoyi jaamsi yeung ngo gongcheut gamgok hau
choi jik syut nei yau nampangyau yinjoi jau yiu jau

Answer me, can you temporarily let me say out how I feel?
And then you can tell me that you have a boyfriend, that you have to leave now

回答我可不可以暫時讓我 牽牽手
握不到永久 我便甜蜜夠

wuidaapngo hobathoyi jaamsi yeung ngo hinhin sau
ngo mong seung dik bat wui yau
ak batdou winggau ngo bin tim mat gau

Answer me, can you let me hold your hand for a little while
My wishful thinking won't happen
Although I can't grasp it forever, it will be sweet enough for me


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