答應我 [Promise Me] - Energy {Mandarin 07}

這一片天空 心情像雲朵左右漂流
zhe yi pian tian kong xin qing xiang yun duo zuo you piao liu
this piece of sky my mood is like the clouds floating right and left

感情無法並肩走 總要有人先停留
gan qing wu fa bing jian zou zong yao you ren xian ting liu
feelings have no way of leaving together always need for someone to stop first

有些話沒說 溫柔只屬於背後
you xie hua mei shuo wen rou zhi shu yu bei hou
there are some words I have not said gentleness only belongs behind me

如果輕輕鬆開這雙手 能握緊更多
ru guo qing qing song kai zhe shuang shou neng wo jin geng duo
if softly loosening the grip of my hands can actually tightly hold onto more

*多少個路口 記錄過三個人的笑容
duo shao ge lu kou ji lu guo san ge ren de xiao rong
how many intersections has recorded the smiles of three people

可是愛情這輛車 只能兩個人入座
ke shi ai qing zhe liang che zhi neng liang ge ren ru zuo
however the vehicle of love can only sit two

比我更快樂 是我唯一的乞求
bi wo geng kuai le shi wo wei yi de qi qiu
being happier than me is my only request

這樣淡淡保留住問候 也同樣感動*
zhe yang dan dan bao liu zhu wen hou ye tong yang gan dong
this way of weakly maintaining my greetings is just as touching

**答應我 給她整片請空
da ying wo gei ta zheng pian qing kong
promise me to give her the entire sky

這一場雨 我會笑著承受
zhe yi chang yu wo hui xiao zhe cheng shou
this shower of rain I will happily bear it

我知道再沒甚麼 比她幸福更值得放手
wo zhi dao zai mei shem me bi ta xing fu geng zhi de fang shou
I know there is nothing compared to her happiness that is worth more to let go

wo cai neng zhen de fang xin zhuan shen zou
I can then really be at ease to turn around and leave

***答應我 陪她看見永久
da ying wo pei ta kan jian yong jiu
promise me to accompany her to see forever

學着把愛隔一個夢 遠遠的感受
xie zhe ba ai ge yi ge meng yuan yuan de gan shou
learning to sperate this dream of love distantly experiencing it

別回頭請用珍惜 代替歉疚就已經足夠
bie hui tou qing yong zhen xi dai ti qian jiu jiu yi jing zu gou
do not turn around please cherish in replace of regret is already enough

再揮手之前 最後一個請求牽她的手***
zai hui shou zhi qian zui hou yi ge qing qiu qian ta de shou
before waving goodbye my last request is to hold her hand 

*多少個路口 記錄過三個人的笑容可是愛情這輛車 只能兩個人入座比我更快樂 是我唯一的乞求這樣淡淡保留住問候 也同樣感動***答應我 給她整片請空這一場雨 我會笑著承受我知道再沒甚麼 比她幸福更值得放手我才能真的放心轉身走*****答應我 陪她看見永久學着把愛隔一個夢 遠遠的感受別回頭請用珍惜 代替歉疚就已經足夠再揮手之前 最後一個請求牽她的手***

wo dui ni de ai yao jiu yi jing chao yue shi kong jie xian
my love for you has already surpassed the limits of time

不管白晝還是黑夜 只要是每一次的出現
bu guan bai zhou hai shi hei ye zhi yao shi ni mei yi ci de chu xian
it does not matter if it is morning or night as long as each time you appear

就讓所有的回憶都在腦中呈現 浮現妳的畫面
jiu rang suo you de hui yi dou zai nao zhong cheng xian fu xian ni de hua mian
all of the memories in my mind will emerge and drift with pictures of you

從今天直到永遠 就請妳讓我對妳再說一遍 對妳再說一遍...
cong jin tian zhi dao yong yuan jiu qing ni rang wo dui ni zai shuo yi bian dui ni zai shuo yi bian...
from today until forever please let me say to you one more time say to you one more time...


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