赤地轉幾 / 赤地轉機 [Chidi turn a few / Chidi Transit] - Raymond Lam 林峯 {Mandarin 08}

*遊到赤地 假設懸命於一線
yau dou chek dei ga chit yun ming yu yat sin
traveling to empty land pretending that life is hanging on the line

都不在乎你 如快樂已是過期
dou bat joi fu nei yu faai lok yi si gwo kei
and I still do not care about you as if happiness has already expired

亦都給你 這厭惡受不起
yik dou kap nei je yim wu sau bat hei
still giving you this loathing that I cannot be bear

還要再避 可以循例敷衍你
waan yiu joi bei ho yi cheun lai fu yin nei
why must I still hide when I can adhere by the obligations to entertain you

磨滅兩週 再没轉機
mo mit leung jau joi mut jyun gei
wasting away two weeks no longer having the chance to change

心死前再也沒法講 就像被隔離*
sam si chin joi ya mut faat gong jau jeung bei gaak lei
before the heart dies I have no way of saying just like being isolated

**原來失望夠 愛情無論多深厚
yun loi sat mong gau oi ching mou leun do sam hau
actually I have been disappointed enough no matter how deep love is

始終都變舊 沒有招惹詛咒
chi jung dou bin gau mut yau jiu ye jo jau
it will still become old without being provoked or cursed

或者追究 跟你還是分手
waak je jeui gau gan nei waan si fan sau
or maybe I should investigate why I had to break up with you

無須內疚 各自尋覓得拯救
mou seui noi gau gok ji cham mik dak ching gau
no reason to feel guilty each of us will search for our own rescue

wai ho waan joi to sau
why are we still holding hands

yik waak seung chyu ha heui dang yu kit hoi seung hau
or could it be that if we continue to get along it will be equal to uncovering a wound

si faai lok gwo dou bat seui jim yau
we were happy before no need to possess
*遊到赤地 假設懸命於一線都不在乎你 如快樂已是過期亦都給你 這厭惡受不起還要再避 可以循例敷衍你磨滅兩週 再没轉機心死前再也沒法講 就像被隔離***原來失望夠 愛情無論多深厚始終都變舊 沒有招惹詛咒或者追究 跟你還是分手無須內疚 各自尋覓得拯救為何還在拖手抑或相處下去等於揭開傷口是快樂過都不需佔有**

wai ho waan joi sam bat deui hau
why do we not speak our minds

ji pa ngo mun mut faat dat po je gwaan hau
only afraid that we have no way to breakthrough this obstacle

就算不開口 然後
jau syun bat hoi hau yin hau
even if we do not say afterwards
**原來失望夠 愛情無論多深厚始終都變舊 沒有招惹詛咒或者追究 跟你還是分手無須內疚 各自尋覓得拯救為何還在拖手抑或相處下去等於揭開傷口是快樂過都不需佔有**
假設有 更難自救ga chit yau gang naan ji gau
pretending to have will be even harder to save one's self


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