差一剎的地老天荒 [On the Verge of Eternity] - Gallen Lo 羅嘉良 {Cantonese 09}

This is a TVB Drama Series Theme song for Born Rich" (富貴門) which was broadcasted in 2009
追追 趕趕 推推 撞撞
jeui jeui gon gon teui teui jong jong
chasing pursuing pushing bumping

目空一切 理想燒光
muk hung yat chai lei seung siu gwong
consider everything and everyone in one's sight ideals are toasted

真真 假假 跌過 痛過
jan jan ga ga dit gwo tung gwo
true false have fallen have hurt

愛的花火 賜給我願與望
oi dik fa fo chi kap ngo yun yu mong
the fireworks of love has given me wish and hope

天黑 天光 天清 天蒼
tin hak tin gwong tin ching tin chong
twilight morning clear skies gray skies

曾經廝守 暗地嚮往
chang qing si sau am dei heung wong
previously have protected secretly yearning for

可惜這夜 煙花已謝 沒法被仰望
ho sik je ye yin fa yi je mut faat bei yeung mong
pity that this night the fireworks have diminished can no longer be admired

*差一剎 我信地老天荒
cha yat chaat ngo seun dei lou tin fong
almost one more moment I believed there was forever

只差一步 欲望幻化星光
ji cha yat bou yuk mong waan fa sing gwong
only almost one more step desires transformed into starlight

誰和誰存活愛 誰和誰埋沒愛
seui wo seui chyun wut oi seui wo seui maai muy oi
who and who survived love who and who hid love

tin tong joi na fong
heaven is where 

**我怕就怕 失望
ngo pa jau pa sat mong
I am only afraid of disappointment

kei yu yat chai ya bat wong
everything else remaining is useless

所有代價 統統捨割
so yau doi ga tung tung se got
all of the sacrifices is totally disregarded

sam hyut dou lau gwong
all efforts are discharged

抹去害怕 撕掉希罕
maat heui hoi pa si diu hei hon
wiping away fear tearing down rare hope

mong ching choi yau dou bei ngon
forgetting love only then one can travel to the other shore

ngo ming leui git bat cheut yan gwo
in my life there will not be an ending to cause and effect

真假如浮雲 天也在看**jan ga yu fau wan tin ya joi hon
true and false is like floating clouds the sky is also watching

*差一剎 我信地老天荒
只差一步 欲望幻化星光
誰和誰存活愛 誰和誰埋沒愛

**我怕就怕 失望
所有代價 統統捨割
抹去害怕 撕掉希罕
真假如浮雲 天也在看**

**我怕就怕 失望
所有代價 統統捨割
抹去害怕 撕掉希罕
真假如浮雲 天也在看**


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