小故事 [Little Story] - Linda Chung 鍾嘉欣 + Steven Ma 馬浚偉 {Cantonese 08}

From TVB Series 金石良緣 'A Journey Called Life' broadcast in March 2008
Linda: The road up ahead has no lights, only smoke; has learned to find a line of vision while being drunk
Looking back, leaving behind the bitterness, and can remember the good things of life
Existing, there must be a meaning; if parting is the result at the end, there's still tomorrow

Steven: When hurt to the utmost, don't know how to shed tears
Breathing is also disordered, finding it hard to speak when facing [you]
Linda: When both eyes gradually turn red, crying is not a crime
Male or female, who doesn't have complaints

Both: Even though has already known the result, even if have to sacrifice, willing to do so
No matter how much pain the road up ahead will bring, have not been afraid of falling over; it's all because you're keeping near 
Forget yesterday's doubts; stick with the route even if you're in a dilemma
Having no regrets, this life isn't considered long, but it's not short either
Ah…embracing each other, looking at each other
You, could you remember
I am living this world
Waiting for this little story


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