男孩像你 [Boy Like You] - Fiona Sit 薛凯琪 {Cantonese 05}

曲:徐繼宗 詞:黃偉文
編:Billy Chan 監製:James Ting / 崔炎德 / Evi Yang

男孩們來約我一般送花 而無人能似你親手種花
boys date me usually send me flowers but nobody can grow them by oneself like you do
但男孩像你 不要我下嫁
but boy like you don't ask me to marry him
男孩們能有你般纖細嗎 談情時和我那種感性嗎
can a boy like you be that gentle be that sexy when talk about love with me
但男孩像你 只愛同類嗎
but boy like you only love same kind of person?

if this moment i want you to rely on your conscious
想一想 揀一揀 實在是和誰襯
to think to pick whom do you really match with
你會說是命運 你與我其實熟得很 但他總比較親
you'd say it's destiny we are actually very close but he'd be more dearing
好知己好姊妹 那裡會談情感
would close friends and sisters be in love
不牽手不親咀 但是亦能陪我 下半生
no holding of hands no kisses but can spend the rest of your life with me
問你這夜最後 送誰回家 我信那個會是我
if ask you this night whom would you send home i believe that would be me
但我心裡知道 男孩像你 不想跟妹妹拍拖
but i know in my heart boy like you don't wanna have a girlfriend like a little sister
共你笑著說著 戲劇時裝 那怕錯過了幸福 彼此搓陀
laughing and talking with you about drama series don't mind missing joy wasting each others time
仍然可以彼此幫助 沉悶晚上相約渡過
can still help each other spending a boring night together

寒流來何以你先擁抱他 回頭時才替我遮擋雪花
cold wind comes why you hug her first and only shelter me from the snowflakes later
是從甜蜜裡 分我甜蜜嗎
is it in love share me some?
如從前無法碰到這個他 和良朋能夠變出戀愛嗎
if i've never met him in the past can friends become lovers
若然矇著眼 又能投入嗎
if i blind my eyes can i be engaged in this?

repeat *

像個世上最壞 愛情童話 最襯你那個是我
like the worst fairytales in the world i'm the one match you best
就算都算相愛 仍然沒法比兄妹浪漫更多
even if this is called love it cannot be much more romantic than being siblings
共我繼續約會 喝茶談天你說勝過了共他一起消磨
continue dating me have tea, chatting better than spending time with her
為何他會得到寶座 長伴身邊的卻是我
why she's the one but i'm the one who stay beside you


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