演唱會 [Concert] - Eason Chan 陳奕迅 {Cantonese 08}

嘴巴似支槍 哪誇張 其實極痕癢
My mouth is like a gun, that’s no exaggeration
It’s actually itching like mad
每次我 看見舞台會令血管都擴張
Every time I see the stage it gets my blood flowing*[1]
歌曲太鏗鏘 要分享 來吧盡情唱
The songs are too powerful, I need to share them
So come and belt it out
This too-strong rhythm prompts the loudest whoops of excitement
一組擴音的喇叭 合成電子加結他
A set of amplifying speakers,
a synthesizer and a guitar,
一套鼓 跟貝司 已經足夠盡情吧
a set of drums and a bass
That’s enough to go all out
聽到嗎 聲再沙 亦無礙我放聲吧
Hear that? No matter how hoarse my voice gets
it still won’t stop me from singing
演唱會 等於演唱現場不必多廢話
A concert means performing live
There’s no need for bullshit
表演要飛天 坐飛毯 難道是成見
Performing requires flying and sitting on a flying carpet
Could that be bias?
你要看 哪個會在舞台夠膽踩鋼線
You should look and see who has the guts to do high-wire acts on stage
可知我偏偏 愛經典 難附和愚見
Yet I just have to love the classics
It’s hard to find agreement with my humble opinion
I have a responsibility and that is to keep my songs echoing in the skies
一組擴音的喇叭 合成電子加結他
A set of amplifying speakers,
a synthesizer and a guitar,
一套鼓 跟貝司 已經足夠盡情吧
a set of drums and a bass
That’s enough to go all out
聽到嗎 聲再沙 亦無礙我放聲吧
Hear that? No matter how hoarse my voice gets
it still won’t stop me from singing
演唱會 等於演唱現場不必多廢話
A concert means performing live
There’s no need for bullshit
興奮嗎 氣氛夠激昂嗎
Are you excited? Is the mood high enough for you?
隨便叫 隨便跳 這一晚可以盡情吧
Shout as you please, jump as you please
You can go all out tonight
青筋你都可 看清楚 連熱淚流過
You can see my veins clearly*[2]
Even the hot tears have been shed
看看我 哪裡有別個及我喜歡唱歌
Look at me, no one can compare to my love for singing
知音有幾多 我的歌 連續地重播
Who knows how many friends of mine
have replayed my songs continuously
I’ll use the microphone to mingle at the party with no day and night
一組擴音的喇叭 合成電子加結他
A set of amplifying speakers,
a synthesizer and a guitar,
一套鼓 跟貝司 已經足夠盡情吧
a set of drums and a bass
That’s enough to go all out
聽到嗎 聲再沙 亦無礙我放聲吧
Hear that? No matter how hoarse my voice gets
it still won’t stop me from singing
演唱會 等於演唱現場不必多廢話
A concert means performing live
There’s no need for bullshit
一組擴音的喇叭 合成電子加結他
A set of amplifying speakers,
a synthesizer and a guitar,
一套鼓 跟Bass Guitar 已經足夠盡情吧
a set of drums and a bass guitar
That’s enough to go all out
聽到嗎 聲再沙 亦無礙我放聲吧
Hear that? No matter how hoarse my voice gets
it still won’t stop me from singing
演唱會 等於演唱現場不必多廢話
A concert means performing live
There’s no need for bullshit
興奮嗎 氣氛夠激昂嗎
Are you excited? Is the mood high enough for you?
隨便叫 隨便跳 這一晚可以盡情吧
Shout as you please, jump as you please
You can go all out tonight
聲音再沙 都足以享受嗎
No matter how hoarse my voice gets, is it enough for you to enjoy?
仍是我 陳奕迅 開演唱會不多廢話
It’s still me, Eason Chan
Who holds concerts with no bullshit
Translator’s Notes:
*[1] The exact, literal translation should be ‘Every time I see the stage it makes my blood vessels dilate’, but I took poetic license and made it a bit more vague since it doesn’t sound very good.
*[2] Again, the literal translation for 青筋 should be ‘blue veins’ instead of just veins, but for the sake of lyrical flow I left it out. Being able to see his veins means you can literally see how much energy and effort he’s pouring into his performance.

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