感激遇到你 [Grateful to Have Met You] - Myolie Wu 胡杏兒 + Bosco Wong 黃宗澤 {Cantonese 08}

This is a sub theme song of War of In-Laws 2 TVB Series Drama in 2008
M: Myolie
B: Bosco
T: Together
( ): English Translation by honeybee* at Tvbsquare

M: 這是愛,承諾用心戀愛 
(This is love; promising to love you with all my heart)

(Destined to walk simultaneously with you, rushing into the sea of love)

B: 誰人是最愛 
(Who is the one I love most)

(Loving you wholeheartedly; Having you, each day is so wonderful)

T: 永遠與你一起,日後都只愛你 
(Being with you forever; will only love you hereafter)

T: 永遠的心動每日也令我回味 
(Being moved by you forever, will cause me to recollect the pleasant feeling each day)

T: 珍惜就像調味 
(Cherishing is like seasoning)

T: 能維繫便銘記,愛你能教我幸福一世紀 
(Able to maintain, so it will engrave on my memory; Loving you has taught me to be happy for a century)

T: Oh, baby, I love you, I love you everyday

T: 永遠的心動每日也令我回味 
(Being moved by you forever, will cause me to recollect the pleasant feeling each day)

T: 珍惜就像調味 
(Cherishing is like seasoning)

T: 能維繫便銘記,愛你能教我幸福一世紀 
(Able to maintain, so it will engrave on my memory; Loving you has taught me to be happy for a century)

T: 感激遇到你 
(Grateful to have met you) 

*Translation credits tohoneybee at TVBSquare, reposted by myolie_admiror at AF


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