笨小孩 [The Foolish Child] - Andy Lau 劉德華 {Mandarin 98}

Ohh In a quite village there was a foolish child
born in the 1960s.
During his teenage years he came to the city, fearless under the blazing sun
he worked hard until the 1970s
All he discovered is that although his friend do not water their potted plants,
yet the flowers still bloom by itself.
Ohh, as the time past quickly this foolish child
reached the 1980s
He was in his 30s passing his life without any accomplishments
he passed through the 1990s
The most saddening thing is that he is always one beat slower than his peers
and never had much cash in his pockets
(Aiyoh) Give yourself a pat on your chest and stand up courageously once again
Please do not let this spoil your mood
(Aiyoh) Now face the heavens and pray, please do not take this too hard
The heavens will make their own arrangement for you.
Ohh.. they all said that in this city, the ladies only fall for bad guys
Yet he is unable to comprehend this simple fact
His mum once told him that true love will be the most exciting experince
But in the end I do not have a girlfriend
Yet this silly child choose to be as steadfast as a rock
just that at night he was unable to withstand that loneliness
(Aiyoh) Give yourself a pat on your chest and stand up courageously once again
Do not care if you have to climb the steeps hills or be in the deep ocean
(Aiyoh) Now face the heavens and pray, please do not take this too hard
The heavens will make their own arrangement for you.
The heavens still loves this silly child

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