剪愛 [Cut off The Love] - A-Mei Zhang 張惠妹 {Mandarin 96}

When the heart is no longer linger.
When the love no longer be trusted.
When the soul is disconnected with passion.
Need not to be in a sorrow.
I've often tried to listen.
With my eyes closed with patient.
Dare not to see your expression.
Meteors are filling the sky.
Boundlessly and endlessly.
Just like the teardrops of mine.
Dripping infinitely.
So my mouth is being sealed.
But my thought is self condemned.
Finally~,I'm free from any love's boundary.
Tear the love~ into pieces,set fly with the wind to the ocean.
Plenty of things.
Wounds washed by tears are more clearer and lasting.
Naive and innocent as me.
Spread your arms to embrace the future.
Who can guarantee love won't be contaminated.
Let the love~ into pieces,set fly with the wind to the ocean.
The deeper it hurts.
The more one has to let go of love.
Is it my fault.
How I Addicted to you with all my love.
Being wounded in a split second when you withdraw the love.
Those old days, those memories can't be torned.
You won't see them nor feel them.
All left behind is now my sighs.

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