追夢人 {Dream Pursuer] - Feng Fei-fei 鳳飛飛, Timi Zhuo 卓依婷 {Mandarin 90}

This has the same melody as the song
Traditional: 追夢人
Simplified: 追梦人
Pinyin: Zhui Meng Ren

Album name: 皇牌影視金曲 (Television's Golden and Grand Hits)
Song #10 on VCD2
Song #10 on HDCD

This song is from a movie soundtrack with the same title.

作詞 (Lyricist):羅大佑
作曲 (Composer):羅大佑

讓青春吹動了你的長髮 讓它牽引你的夢
Let youth blow your hair away, and let youth track your dreams
不知不覺這城市的歷史 已記取了妳的笑容
Unconsciously, the history of the city remembers your smile
紅紅心中藍藍的天 是個生命的開始
Red hearts and blue skies are the starting of life
春雨不眠 隔夜的你曾空獨眠的日子
The spring rain, which doesn't sleep for nights, has a single, empty, sleepless day

讓青春嬌豔的花朵 綻開了深藏的紅顏
Let that young, dainty flower bloom from its deep roots
飛去飛來的滿天的飛絮 是幻想你的笑臉
All those cotton-wadded lines, which are flying everywhere, are the fantasy of your smile
秋來春去紅塵中 誰在宿命裡安排
Who is arranging destiny inside red dust as autumn comes and spring goes?
冰雪不語寒夜的你 那難隱藏的光彩
It's difficult to hide the brilliant you, who never says a single word in this winter snow

看我看一眼吧 莫讓紅顏守空枕
Please look at me; Don't let those red colors guard these empty pillows
青春無悔不死 永遠的愛人
Youth doesn't regret, my eternal love

讓流浪的足跡在荒漠裡 寫下永久的回憶
Let those wandering footprints in this desert write an everlasting memory
飄去飄來的筆跡 是深藏的激情你的心語
These handwritings, which are dancing all over the place, are your heart's hidden passion
前塵後世輪迴中 誰在聲音裡徘徊
Whose voice is lingering in this reincarnation?
癡情笑我凡俗的人世 終難解的關懷
A lovestruck person told me that I am a profane person, because my caring is obscuring


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