化蝶 [Butterflies / The Butterfly Lovers] - Denise Ho Hocc 何韻詩, Hubert Wu 胡鴻鈞 {Cantonese 05}

fan cin mut jau faa
in front of the grave there are no flowers 

容我撥開沙土 用眼淚種些吧
jung ngo but hoi saa tou jung ngaan leoi zung se baa
allow me to remove the soil using tears to grow some flowers 

coeng maai si nei maa
is it you that is buried 

何以未講一聲 就撇下我 回答吧
ho ji mei gong jat sing zau pit haa ngo wui daap baa
could you have not said anything and disregard me please respond 

上次匆匆一別 還約了
soeng ci cung cung jat bit waan joek liu
last time left hurriedly still made another date 

結伴去 共你遇上那道橋
git bun heoi gung nei jyu soeng naa dou kiu
accompanying you in encountering that bridge

約定了 改不了
joek ding liu goi bat liu
agreeing to meet cannot be changed

縱使 到此時你的心不再在跳
zung si dou ci si nei dik sam bat zoi zoi tiu
even if at this moment your heart no longer beats

共你快將相會了 重回那一秒
gung nei faai zoeng soeng wui liu cung wui naa jat miu
with you soon will meet together returning to that one second

jyu ho wui dou dong si
how to return to that moment 

jau jyu cing leoi jit lyun dik naa si
like lovers in that moment passionately in love

gei jik ho ji
memory can 

waan zok jat deoi wu dip fei mou zoi si gwong sam cyu
magically becoming a pair of butterflies fluttering in the air in the abyss of time

tou mei hung gwo dou bin fu zi
windflower bloomed red also become withered

hyut juk zi keoi wui mut faat bou ci
mortal being will have no way of maintaining

wai duk ceon tin ho ji kap gei zyu 
only spring can provide memories

lau toi jau gaa hei
terrace rise again 

含笑洞悉生死 越過另有天地
ham siu dung sik saang sei jyut gwo ling jau tin dei
smiling thoroughly understanding life and death overcoming there is another world

coeng min mut jau hei
long sleep not waking 

時間若推不翻 就化蝶去 遊故地
si gaan joek teoi bat faan zau faa dip heoi jau gu dei
time if pushing not turning upside down then change to butterflies traveling to former locations

六呎荒土之下 還有你
luk cek fong tou zi haa waan jau nei
under six foot of desolate soil there is still you

約定了下世 共我更傳奇
joek ding liu haa sai gung ngo gang cyun kei
agreeing to meet in the next life with me is more legendary

zeoi hau naa jat hau hei
the last of that one breath

吐出 我當時未講的一句 愛你
tou ceot ngo dong si mei gong dik jat geoi oi nei
uttering out the one phrase I have yet said at that moment love you

頓覺 遍體 輕如會飛
deon gok pin tai hing jyu wui fei
sudden feeling all over body light enough to fly

wu dip fu lyun faa naa wan paak jaa jyun ji
butterflies bitterly loving changing to ghosts also willing

jyu ho wui dou dong si
how to return to that moment

naa wui si gaan jik zyun dik joek si
taking back the key to turning time around

gei jik ho ji
memory can

縱使此際神傷不已 亦曾經春至
zung si ci zai san soeng bat ji jik cang ging coen zi
even if hereat spirit endlessly injured yet previously spring arrived

faan jan mou faat teng gin dik si
the poem that ordinary people is unable to hear

種在心中 萬劫不移 我知
zung zoi sam zung maan gip bat ji ngo zi
grown in the heart ten thousand plunders not altering I know

jyu ho wui dou dong si
how to return to that moment

jau jyu cing leoi jit lyun dik naa si
like lovers in that moment passionately in love

gei jik ho 
memory can

waan zok jat deoi wu dip fei mou zoi wan hoi sam cyu
magically becoming a pair of butterflies fluttering in the air in the abyss of clouds

tou mei hung gwo dou bin fu zi
windflower bloomed red also become withered

hyut juk zi keoi ji mut jau ji si
mortal being already has no meaning

ling wan jaa ho gung cyu
spirits also can coexist


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