愛多錯多 [The more i love the more mistakes i make] - Gallen Lo 羅嘉良 + Bondy Chiu 趙學而 {Cantonese 02}

* 男:過去的日子不好過 暗中懷念過 傷心過 像欠缺什麼
B: the past days were not good, i missed it silently, have been feeling sad, it’s like something was missing

女:過去我也深刻上了一課 我都承受過 都哭過 擔心錯了再錯
G: in past i learnt a lesson deeply, i endured it too, cried too, worried that i will make mistakes again

女:我卻十分慶幸 狠狠地跨過
G: however i’m so glad that i crossed it mercilessly

男:痛過後學識太多 明白更多
B: after being hurt i learnt many things and understood more

合 男:一些感覺 多麼的恐懼 通通體驗過
C   B: some feelings are so scary, i have felt it all
G: have fallen many times

男:愛沒有罪 卻是最傻 為何非傷過不可
B: love is not guilty, but the most silly thing. why it must be hurt?

G: i made mistakes in the emotions

男:一些掙扎 多麼的心痛 也經歷過
B: some struggles are hurting so much, i have experienced it

G: the more i love the more mistakes i make

B: love is like that, always being tormented

合:但我從不反悔 即使錯都深愛過
C: but i never regret it, even it was wrong i have loved deeply
Repeat *

男:仍忘記不了感受如何 極無助
B: i still can’t forget the feelings, helpless

女:盲目了 當我愛你太多
G: i was blinded when i loved you too much

合:一些感覺 多麼的恐懼 通通經歷過 愛沒有罪 卻是最傻
C: some feelings are so scary, i have experienced it all, love is not guilty, but the most silly thing

我為了誰非傷過不可 一些掙扎 多麼的心痛 也經歷過
for whom i must being hurt? some struggles are hurting so much, i have experienced it

愛是這樣 最受折磨 卻是我從不反悔即使錯都深愛過
love is like that, always being tormented, however i never regret it, even it was wrong i have loved deeply

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