turn on, the megaphone in my brain (turn off, put down your phone)
逼出 最後最尾一口氣(銘記這自由氣味)
the last breath has been forced out (remembering the smell of freedom)
the last breath has been forced out (remembering the smell of freedom)
理想 講得多即刻變空想 等天光不保見方向
ambition, if talk about it too many times it becomes a fantasy. Wait until the dawn you are
not guaranteed to see a direction
ambition, if talk about it too many times it becomes a fantasy. Wait until the dawn you are
not guaranteed to see a direction
have been tossing and turning and dreaming
have been tossing and turning and dreaming
人世有限期 遺憾致死
life has a time limit and i’m living my life with regrets
life has a time limit and i’m living my life with regrets
今天不太累 流過了咖啡因眼淚
today i’m not so tired, i have cried my caffeine tears
today i’m not so tired, i have cried my caffeine tears
there’s no need to have regrets
there’s no need to have regrets
血壓跳升 睜大眼睛
my blood pressure has jumped up, my eyes are open
my blood pressure has jumped up, my eyes are open
不捨得去睡 如放棄去追他朝怎失去
don’t want to go to sleep, if i give up i will lose it in the future
don’t want to go to sleep, if i give up i will lose it in the future
勸解一百句 鑽進耳朵只剩了一句
i have been given a hundred advice, however only one sentence comes to my ear
i have been given a hundred advice, however only one sentence comes to my ear
誰人沉睡活足千歲 難及活到死才睡
The ones that have been sleeping and lived a thousand year, can not be compared with those who have lived till the death then sleep
The ones that have been sleeping and lived a thousand year, can not be compared with those who have lived till the death then sleep
規矩 會附帶上空虛(空虛 也待哪個准許)
emptiness will be attached to rules (emptiness, it has to wait for someone to give permission)
emptiness will be attached to rules (emptiness, it has to wait for someone to give permission)
准許 卻在你那雙手裡(聽說這自由無罪)
permission, however is in your hands (i have heard that this kind of freedom is not guilty)
permission, however is in your hands (i have heard that this kind of freedom is not guilty)
遠想 艱辛的一般叫奢想 等天光等不到真相
think about it, if it’s tough it’s called a fantasy, even wait until the dawn you won’t see the truth
think about it, if it’s tough it’s called a fantasy, even wait until the dawn you won’t see the truth
have been tossing and turning, don’t talk about principle anymore
have been tossing and turning, don’t talk about principle anymore
誰會豎白旗 寧受處死
i would rather die than to give in
i would rather die than to give in
今天不太累 流過了咖啡因眼淚
today i’m not so tired, i have cried my caffeine tears
today i’m not so tired, i have cried my caffeine tears
there’s no need to have regrets
there’s no need to have regrets
血壓跳升 睜大眼睛
my blood pressure has jumped up, my eyes are open
my blood pressure has jumped up, my eyes are open
不捨得去睡 如放棄去追他朝怎失去
don’t want to go to sleep, if i give up i will lose it in the future
don’t want to go to sleep, if i give up i will lose it in the future
勸解一百句 鑽進耳朵只剩了一句
i have been given a hundred advice, however only one sentence comes to my ear
i have been given a hundred advice, however only one sentence comes to my ear
誰人沉睡活足千歲 難及活到死才睡
The ones that have been sleeping and lived a thousand year, can not be compared with those who have lived till the death then sleep
finally when there’s a moment that you must look at the watch (finally when there’s a moment that you must look at the watch)
The ones that have been sleeping and lived a thousand year, can not be compared with those who have lived till the death then sleep
finally when there’s a moment that you must look at the watch (finally when there’s a moment that you must look at the watch)
看到所得的太少 輸了敗了
you saw what you’ve got are too little, you have lost it
you saw what you’ve got are too little, you have lost it
when the results need to be revealed (when the results need to revealed)
when the results need to be revealed (when the results need to revealed)
發覺怎麼的發燒 終須折腰
you realised that no matter how much passion you have, you need to give in
you realised that no matter how much passion you have, you need to give in
your body is nearly collapse (but i refuse to close my eyes)
your body is nearly collapse (but i refuse to close my eyes)
是固執得始終不願退後 這很錯嗎
it’s you who have been stubborn and don’t want to step back. Is this really wrong?
it’s you who have been stubborn and don’t want to step back. Is this really wrong?
even the sky is collapsed right? (but this world has heard me screaming)
even the sky is collapsed right? (but this world has heard me screaming)
若我不把光陰這樣押下 難道冥目嗎
if i don’t mortgaged time like that, will i be satisfied?
if i don’t mortgaged time like that, will i be satisfied?
今天不太累 流過了咖啡因眼淚
today i’m not so tired, i have cried my caffeine tears
today i’m not so tired, i have cried my caffeine tears
there’s no need to have regrets
there’s no need to have regrets
血壓跳升 睜大眼睛
my blood pressure has jumped up, my eyes are open
my blood pressure has jumped up, my eyes are open
不捨得去睡 如放棄去追他朝怎失去
don’t want to go to sleep, if i give up i will lose it in the future
don’t want to go to sleep, if i give up i will lose it in the future
勸解一百句 鑽進耳朵 只剩了一句
i have been given a hundred advice, however only one sentence comes to my ear
i have been given a hundred advice, however only one sentence comes to my ear
為何隨時代的湧退 停滯在最安穩堡壘
why follow the pattern of era and stay in the safest place ?
why follow the pattern of era and stay in the safest place ?
誰人沉睡活足千歲 難及活到死才睡
The ones that have been sleeping and lived a thousand year, can not be compared with those who have lived till the death then sleep
The ones that have been sleeping and lived a thousand year, can not be compared with those who have lived till the death then sleep
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