等 [Wait] - Janice Vidal 衛蘭 {Cantonese 06}

I am waiting for a bunch of flowers that never arrived.
Waiting for a pile of beautiful lies.
Waiting for him to visit her home,
waiting for friends to say that you are not bad.

Waiting until you are willing to travel with me,
still hopping that you will not lie and loves me truthfully.
Those that I couldn’t wait for disappeared like running sand.

If looking forward to obtain the end result,
I am willing to be crazy about you,
then the pains that I experienced are worth it.

I hated herself for being too passively looking for false hopes.
Feeling the bitterness in my heart to change for you.
Hoping for too much,
what am I hoping to get after waiting.

Would you ever be able to change your mistakes?
You makes the same mistake again,
and I have to take the pain of waiting again.

Now asked what have I been waiting for?
Waited, and you arrived to complained.
My truthfulness toward you was all from my will.

Couldn’t wait any more,
so meeting every day to look like that we are in love.
You don't want to wait until we've broken up,
so she agreed to his wild promise.

If the hopes are too far away,
then I could only wait,
wait for the different emotions.

Always hopes that you could touch me,
so that I could understand how to be in love crazily.
If you really loves me,
You would be willing to do anything.

If looking forward to obtain the end result,
I am willing to be crazy about you,
then the pains that I experienced are worth it.

I hate herself for being too passively looking for false hopes.
Feeling the bitterness in my heart to change for you.
Hoping for too much,
what am I hoping to get after waiting.

Would you ever be able to change you mistakes?
You make a mistake again,
and I have to take the pain of waiting again.
Now asked what have I been waiting for?


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