今生無悔 [No regret this life] - Dave Wong 王傑 {Cantonese 91}

This cool face,
is not my act,
because time emotionlessly drawn.

You once cried when you smiled.
Sadness is much stronger than craziness a few hundreds time.
No matter what kind of interaction,
thinking of them is too tiring.

Worry to realise that they contradict to my principle.
Rather to pay with everything that I got but never say regret.

Should or should not meet.
Me and you,
there is no need to talk about anything,
because we both once admired each other.

Come, you are dry,
and you managed to found me.
Please don’t ask how I become so spiritless.
Still trying to survive in the real world,
we can get drunk together.

Add another glass to celebrate our gathering.
Me and you,
there is no need to talk about anything,
because we both once admired each other.
The sky suddenly got dark


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