想聽 [Want to listen to] - Eason Chan 陳奕迅 {Cantonese 08}

風怎麼叫 話我知蜜蜂怎笑
fung zam mo giu waa ngo zi mat fung zam siu
how does the wind call?  tell me how does a honey bee laugh

星怎不叫囂 難道怕誰人被搔擾
sing bat giu hiu naan dou paa seoi jan bei sou jiu
why do stars not hoot? could they be afraid of distributing someone 

想緊握這 靜悄的一秒
soeng gan ngak ze zing ciu dik jat miu 
want to tightly grasp the calm silence of this second

cou jam ting jim liu oi soeng zoi  sam siu
tired of hearing noises falling in love with the late night

呆看這寂寞雨點 放浪輕飄
ngoi hon ze zik mok jyu dim fong long hing piu
blankly staring at this lonely rain unrestrained lightly drifting 

如果寧靜中感到害怕 送我相擁有用嗎
jyu gwo ning zing zung gam dou hoi paa sung ngo soeng jung jau jung maa
if in serenity one feels afraid will giving me an embrace be useful? 

會為我添上顧慮嗎 可安心嗎
wui wai ngo tim song gu leoi maa ho on sam maa
will it add on more worries for me? can it provide peace of mind?

平靜的海 仍充滿熱情暗浪
ping zing dik hoi jing cung mun jit cing am long
the tranquil ocean still full of passionate hidden waves

只得一剎那 捉不緊變化
zi dak jat saat naa zuk bat gam bin faa 
only have one instant of transformation that cannot be tightly grasped

seoi on san ze go waai leoi jik paa
although taking shelter within this embrace still afraid

想聽得見 用耳聽未必聽見
soeng teng dak gin jung ji teng mei bit teng gin 
want to be able to hear using the ear to hear might not be able to hear

將心擺耳邊 才驟覺沉默有深淺
zoeng sam baai ji bin coi zaau gok cam mak jau sam cin 
put the heart near the ear then suddenly become aware of the depth of silence 

聽到淺笑 用笑織冠冕
teng dou cin siu jung siu zik gun min
can hear a light laugh use laughter to knit a royal crown

zung teng dak saat naa gau faai lok jat tin
even hearing that one instant is enough happiness for a day

陶醉這靜默愛戀 快樂飛天
tou zeoi ze zing mak oi lyun faai lok fei tin
infatuated with this silent love happiness flying sky high

如果寧靜中感到害怕 送你相擁有用嗎
jyu gwo ning zing zung gam dou hoi paa sung nei soeng jung jau jung maa
if in serenity one feels afraid will giving you an embrace be useful? 

會為你添上顧慮嗎 可安心嗎
wui wai nei tim song gu leoi maa ho on sam maa
will it add on more worries for you? can it provide peace of mind?

平靜的海 仍充滿熱情暗浪
ping zing dik hoi jing cung mun jit cing am long
the tranquil ocean still full of passionate hidden waves

想聽出變化 想聽出記掛
soeng teng ceot bin faa soeng teng ceot gei gwaa 
want to hear the transformation want to hear the concerns

想聽聽到嗎 容我念掛
soeng teng teng dou maa jung ngo nim gwaa
want to hear can it be heard? let me feel missed

如果沉睡中感到害怕 你這相擁有用嗎
jyu gwo cam seoi zung gam dou hoi paa nei ze soeng jung jau jung maa 
if in deep sleep one feels afraid will your embrace be useful?

會為我牽去顧慮嗎 可安息嗎
wui wai ngo hin heoi gu leoi maa ho on sik maa
will it lead away worries for me? will I be at peace?

平靜的海 無心叫熱情靠岸
ping zing dik hoi mou sam giu jit cing kaau ngon 
the tranquil ocean unintentionally calls passion to the shore

可惜一剎那 可惜這變化
 ho sik jat saat naa ho sik ze bin fa
a pity only one instant a pity this transformation

seoi on san ze go waai leoi jik paa
although taking shelter within this embrace still afraid


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