不再說謊 [No lie] - Auston Lam 林師傑 {Cantonese 14}

This is a sub theme song for the TVB Series Drama Home Come Love 愛·回家 broadcast from  May 14, 2012 until present
自己都解釋不到 對你這感覺
zi gei dou gaai sik bat dou deoi nei ze gam gok
even I cannot explain this feeling for you 

我每次很想傾訴 卻變了說謊
ngo mui ci han soeng king sou koek bin liu syut fong
each time I want to say everything on my mind yet it becomes lies

我怕我真的哭了 要對你假笑
ngo pa ngo zan dik huk liu jiu deoi nei gaa siu
I am afraid when I really cry I need to fake a smile towards you 

我怪我真心真意 卻慣了假裝
ngo gwaai ngo zan sam zan ji koek gwaan liu gaa zong 
I blame my sincere and real intentions are used to pretending

*從前如日復日錯過 已想清楚
cung cin jyu jat fuk jat co gwo ji soeng cing co
previously day by day missing  the opportunity then finally thinking clearly

hang dung si bit jiu zoi hip no
the actions are to no longer be weak

**別再故意地 將我感覺莫名地收起
bit zoi gu ji dei zoeng ngo gam gok mok ming dei sau hei 
no longer on purpose meaninglessly hiding my feelings

學會更努力 一格一格正能量儲備
hok wui gang nou lik jat gaak jat gaak zing nang loeng cyu bei 
learn to be more hardworking storing block by block of positive energy

能自信地 極平凡仍是美
nang zi seon dei gik ping faan jing si me 
can confidently even the most ordinary is also beautiful

兩個世界 可一起
loeng go sai gaai ho jat hei 
two worlds can be together

直接去說吧 將那黑布毅然地掀起
zik zip heoi syut baa zoeng naa hak bou ngai jin dei hin hei 
directly go to say unhesitatingly lifting that black cloth 

讓我奮勇地 當個主角劇情極細膩
joeng ngo fan jung dei dong go zyu gok kek cing gik sai nei 
let me bravely be the main character in the most minor storyline

誠實告白** 是無遮掩的美
sing sat gou baak si mou ze jim dik mei
honestly confessing without hiding the beauty 

每個細節都驚喜 往那最初細說起
mui go sai zit dou ging hei wong naa zeoi co sai syut hei 
each detail is also a surprise telling from that first detail

木偶要說話 我有我感覺
muk ngau jiu syut waa ngo jau ngo gam gok
the wooden puppet wants to speak I have feelings 

厭了再分飾 兩個我太多
jim liu zoi gan sik loeng go ngo taai do
fed up with dividing the roles two of me is too much 

我盼你終可 愛上那真我
ngo paan nei zung ho oi soeng naa zan ngo
I hope you can finally fall in love with that real me 

我盼仍能修補 有最甜美結果
ngo paan jing nang sau bou jau zeoi tim mei git gwo
I hope can still mend to have the sweetest beautiful ending 

*從前如日復日錯過 已想清楚
hang dung si bit jiu zoi hip fong
the actions are to no longer be nervous

**別再故意地 將我感覺莫名地收起
學會更努力 一格一格正能量儲備
能自信地 極平凡仍是美
兩個世界 可一起
直接去說吧 將那黑布毅然地掀起
讓我奮勇地 當個主角劇情極細膩
誠實告白** 內容不需隱秘
sing sat gou baak noi jung bat seoi jan bei 
honestly confessing the contents do not need to be hidden

我要對你花心機 以我最真去愛你
ngo jiu deoi nei faa sam gei ji ngo zeoi zan heoi oi nei
I want to be thoughtful ('spend thinking') to you being my truest self to love you


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