假裝我們沒愛過 [Pretend that We Never Fell in Love] - Jiro Wang 汪東城 {Mandarin 12}


Méiyǒu lèi
There are no tears
為何眼眶濕透 生了鏽
wèihé yǎnkuàng shī tòu shēngle xiù
Why are my eye sockets totally wet and rusting
你想要的 我真的懂
Nǐ xiǎng yào de wǒ zhēn de dǒng
What you want, I truly understand
偏偏我的雙手 太冰凍
Piānpiān wǒ de shuāngshǒu tài bīngdòng
Yet unfortunately, my pair of hands are too freezing cold

Méi xiǎngguò
Never thought
這顆鐵石心腸 有傷口
zhè kē tiěshí xīncháng yǒu shāngkǒu
this steel heart will have wounds
誰來幫我 切斷電流
Sheí lái bāng wǒ jiéduàn diànliú
Who will come help me cut off the electric current
變成廢物 至少不難過
Biàn chéng fèiwù zhì shào bù nánguò
As a useless object, at least I won’t feel sad

如果 儲蓄了回憶 沒用
Rúguǒ chúxùle huíyì méi yòng
If it’s useless to store up memory
誰會迷信 愛 有用
Sheí huì míxìn ài  yǒuyòng
Who will believe in the superstition that there’s a use in loving
留住這個  空殼 幹什麼
Liú zhù zhège   kōng ké gànshénme
Why should you keep this empty shell?

拆了我 扔了我
Chāile wǒ rēngle wǒ
Take me apart, throw me away
把我丟到世界 的盡頭
bǎ wǒ diū dào shìjiè de jìntóu
Throw me to the end of the world
繼續愛我 沒有結果
Jìxù ài wǒ méiyǒu jiéguǒ
Continue loving me, there will be no result
fǎn'ér zhémó
On the contrary, it will only a torment

請忘了我 請成全我
Qǐng wàngle wǒ qǐng chéngquán wǒ
Please forget me, please help me accomplish this
盡量假裝我們 沒愛過
jǐnliàng jiǎzhuāng wǒmen méi àiguò
Try to pretend that we never fell in love
別心疼我 別可憐我
Bié xīnténg wǒ bié kělián wǒ
Don’t heartache for me, Don’t pity me
反正我 從來 不會痛
fǎnzhèng wǒ cónglái bu huì tòng
It’s not like I ever hurt

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