高山低谷 [Mountain and valley] - Phil Lam 林奕匡 {Cantonese 14}

站在樹林內 就如沒氧氣
standing in the forest, just like no oxygen
在夕陽下 寂寥吧 沒權利見你
under the sunset, be lonely, don’t have the rights to see you
早知高的山低的谷將你我分隔兩地 失去人情味
already knew the mountains and valleys separated you and me into two places, losing the human warmth
你那貴族遊戲 我的街角遊記
your game of noble, my journey in the corner of the street
天真到信真心 太兒戲
being so naive i even believe you’re truly love me, it’s too children’s game
你快樂過生活 我拼命去生存
you live your life happily, i try my best to survive
(how) many people standing in the highest point of mountain and looking down at my tiredness (?)
渴望被成全 努力做人誰怕氣喘
wanted to be fulfilled, work hard to live, who is afraid of short of breath ?
但那終點 掛在那天邊
but the finish point, hanging in the sky.
你界定了生活 我侮辱了生存
you defined live, i insulted life
only suitable for staying in valley and to organise my mess
渴望大團圓 腳下路程難以削短
wish to have a good ending, (but) the distance under my foot is hard to reduce
未見終點 也未見恩典 我與你極遠
not yet see the finish point, not yet see the grace also, i’m extremely far away to you
愈望愈無望 未來沒有我
the more i look the more i feel i have no hopes, the future doesn’t have me
在斷崖下 盡頭吧 樂園未有過
under the cliff, there’s the end right, there’s never paradise
彷彿天一黑天一光揮發了一句再會 只見人下墮
it seems like the time when the sky is dark and when the sky has light, it volatilised a goodbye, only see people falling
快慰繼續傳播 你都不慰問我
the pleasure is continue to spread, (but) you didn’t express solicitude to me
區分到太清楚 太嚴苛
differentiated too clear, too strict
你快樂過生活 我拼命去生存
you live your life happily, i try my best to survive
(how) many people standing in the highest point of mountain and looking down at my tiredness (?)
渴望被成全 努力做人誰怕氣喘
wanted to be fulfilled, work hard to live, who is afraid of short of breath ?
但那終點 掛在那天邊
but the finish point, hanging in the sky.
你界定了生活 我侮辱了生存
you defined live, i insulted life
only suitable for staying in valley and to organise my mess
渴望大團圓 腳下路程難以削短
wish to have a good ending, (but) the distance under my foot is hard to reduce
未見終點 也未見恩典 我與你極遠
not yet see the finish point, not yet see the grace also, i’m extremely far away to you
我卻尚要生存 偷偷存活於山之谷等到某天魂斷
however i still need to survive, secretly living in the valley and wait until someday when i die
你繼續盤旋 我繼續埋藏我愛戀
you continue to hover, i continue to hide my love
沒有終點 永沒有終點 那永遠極遠
no finish point, there will never be a finish point, that ‘forever’ is extremely far away

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