愛深過做人 [Love is harder than life] - Janice Vidal 衛蘭 {Cantonese 08}

At the beginning,
love to me is very simple.
All I needed was a partner,
it doesn't matter what they do,
even watching rain was happy.

I thought that love was like travelling.
They talked about everything,
and I have fallen deeply in love with the guy.

But I didn't notice that this bored you away from me.
Once when I got used to breaking up,
I gave everything in every of one of my relationships.

I thought that even the love might not last,
but I was happy that I once had fallen in love with these guys.

But one day when it rained,
no one was looking after me,
I felt very sad,
and I realised that all this failure was because I can’t afford to love.

I realised that love is harder than life;
I just can’t learn to forgive.

I found it so hard to get a balance between trust, suspicious, rational and inductive.
The worse is that it doesn't matter if you love others or not,
loving yourself still hurts.

I don’t want to recognise that two people need to act in order to be together.
I questioned why love is like a game that challenges our intelligent.
I remember that I was once so naïve that I all she wanted from love was just to feel happy.


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