主角愛我 [The protagonist loves me] - Janice Vidal 衛蘭 {Cantonese 08}

讓我試過與喬峰*擁抱 先知浪漫誰造 
after i’ve experienced hugging with Qiao Feng, i just understand who created the romance
過去我心所傾慕 都不聽我傾訴 
in past the people i liked, they all didn’t listen to me
after i’ve read the Lust, Caution i see that
dancing in the love and lust 
is it what i’ve got is not good enough? 
誰要我在小說內尋開心 比世界更逼真
who asked me to search for fun in novels? more realistic than the world 
戀愛要似 這樣才甘心 不必浪費光陰
i’ll be content with love like this, no need to waste time  
誰會想在書裡夢遊今生 才知怎麼先叫動人 
who would like to be dreaming this life in books? and then understand what is called touching
擁抱著 主角靈魂 
hugging the soul of the protagonist
尋回幸福感 找不到那位更合襯 
got back the sense of happiness, can’t find someone who is more suitable for me
習慣每次告別的感慨 怎知蜜運存在 
getting used to the lament after farewell, how would i know that i have the luck of love
跳進了喜寶*心內 犧牲得更精彩
jumped into the heart of Hay Bo, sacrificed in a more wonderful way  
讓我靠主角嘗透愛 不奢望誰願給我愛 
let me rely on the protagonist and experience love thoroughly, i don’t expect someone who would like to give me love
the world is boring, i’m not willing to put down the books 
誰要我在小說內尋開心 比世界更逼真
who asked me to search for fun in novels? more realistic than the world 
戀愛要似 這樣才甘心 不必浪費光陰
i’ll be content with love like this, no need to waste time
誰會想在書裡夢遊今生 才知怎麼先叫動人 
who would like to be dreaming this life in books? and then understand what is called touching
擁抱著 主角靈魂 
hugging the soul of the protagonist
尋回幸福感 找不到那位更合襯 
got back the sense of happiness, can’t find someone who is more suitable for me  
道理假 幻覺真 就靠小說帶我去擁有別人 
the principle is fake, the illusion is real, just rely on novels to bring me to have someone else
無數個主角 縱使雙婚也得到快感
endless of protagonists, even double marriage i got happiness  
饒恕我在小說內尋開心 比世界更逼真 
forgive me that i’m searching fun in novels, more realistic than the world
戀愛要似這樣才甘心 比深雪*更加深 
i’ll be content with love like this, deeper than Zita Law
who would like to be dreaming this life in books?
used to creating the mood of startling
主角是 不會害人 
the protagonist is not going to hurt people
只抱憾 沒有真人 
the only regretful thing is that there won’t be a real person,
跟我在 湖水中 吻一吻
to kiss with me on the lake
*Qiao Feng – one of the main characters from the novel ‘Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils’.
*Lust, Caution – a novella published in 1979, by Eileen Chang.
*Hay Bo – the main character from the novel ‘Hay Bo’.
*Zita Law – Hong Kong author
(^ i’m not sure if that line is talking about Zita Law(深雪) and her writing style or just snow)

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