假使有日能忘記 [If Someday I Could Forget] - William So 蘇永康 {Cantonese 95}

為什麼不可以 忘掉記憶中許多
why can’t i forget about the many things in memories?
hide the sad matters of my heart
為什麼不可以 重新將心清洗一次
why can’t i rewash my heart again?
如重頭活過 一切再開始
as if to live again, starting all over again
i always carrying the past in my heart
why would i say that to know is easy but to do is difficult, very unwise
舊記憶 講不出有多重
the old memories, couldn’t say how heavy they are
時刻隱隱作痛 常無意中觸碰
i feel a dull pain all the time, often touch it inadvertently
舊記憶 全沒法解釋心理
all the old memories can not explain my mind
if someday i’m doing it for you
假使有日能忘記 因你
if someday i could forget, it’s because of you
為什麼不可以 忘掉記憶中許多
why can’t i forget about the many things in memories?
hide the sad matters of my heart
為什麼不可以 重新將心清洗一次
why can’t i rewash my heart again?
如重頭活過 一切再開始
as if to live again, starting all over again
i always carrying the past in my heart
why would i say that to know is easy but to do is difficult, very unwise
舊記憶 講不出有多重
the old memories, couldn’t say how heavy they are
時刻隱隱作痛 常無意中觸碰
i feel a dull pain all the time, often touch it inadvertently
舊記憶 全沒法解釋心理
all the old memories can not explain my mind
if someday i’m doing it for you
假使有日能忘記 因你
if someday i could forget, it’s because of you
i’m sorry that i already carry so much in my heart
really there are many things i couldn’t let go
i’m sorry that i didn’t know you were passing by
假使真有日能忘記 從前的
if someday i could forget the past
舊記憶 講不出有多重
the old memories, couldn’t say how heavy they are
時刻隱隱作痛 常無意中觸碰
i feel a dull pain all the time, often touch it inadvertently
舊記憶 全沒法解釋心理
all the old memories can not explain my mind
if someday i’m doing it for you
假使有日能忘記 因你
if someday i could forget, it’s because of you

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