Because you're good to me - Eason Chan 陳奕迅 {Mandarin 01}

because you’re good to me bebe, i know
that you’re up to something and i don’t like it
because you’re good to me babe, i know
you’re no good it’s no good
to be in love with you again
當時分手之後 多麼心痛
how hurt i had been when we broke up back then
你卻還能夠說 都是我的錯
yet somehow you were able to say it was all my fault
之後你打電話 說你很寂寞
then you called me up and said you were lonely
一直想念我 是否還能夠做朋友
missing me all this time, can we still be friends?
no baby, no baby, 請你別再靠近我
no baby, no baby, please don’t come near me again
no baby, no baby, 你沒那麼的保守
no baby, no baby, you’re not that conservative
no baby, no baby, 別到現在才來對我說 你後悔了
no baby, no baby, don’t wait until now to tell me you’re regretting it
and ask me for more
because you’re good to me bebe, i know
that you’re up to something and i don’t like it
because you’re good to me babe, i know
you’re no good it’s no good
to be in love with you again
昨晚跟好朋友 開個party
i threw a party with my good friends last night
怎麼都沒想到 會再見到你
but i never thought i would see you again
你的甜言蜜語 讓我佩服到底
your sweet-talk has me admiring to the end
誰在誰懷裡 愛誰不過是個騙局
who’s in whose arms, loving someone is just a fraud
no baby, no baby, 請你別再靠近我
no baby, no baby, please don’t come near me again
no baby, no baby, 你沒那麼的保守
no baby, no baby, you’re not that conservative
no baby, no baby, 別到現在才來對我說 你後悔了
no baby, no baby, don’t wait until now to tell me you’re regretting it
and ask me for more
because you’re good to me bebe, i know
that you’re up to something and i don’t like it
because you’re good to me babe, i know
you’re no good it’s no good
to be in love with you again
because you’re good to me bebe, i know
that you’re up to something and i don’t like it
because you’re good to me babe, i know
you’re no good it’s no good
to be in love with you again
because you’re good to me bebe, i know
that you’re up to something and i don’t like it
because you’re good to me babe, i know
you’re no good it’s no good
to be in love with you again

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