星的光點點灑於午夜 人人開開心心說說故事
the lights of stars sprinkle at midnight, people telling stories happily
偏偏今宵所想講不太易 遲疑地望你想說又復遲疑
however tonight what i wanted to say was not easy, looking at you hesitantly
the lights of stars sprinkle at midnight, people telling stories happily
偏偏今宵所想講不太易 遲疑地望你想說又復遲疑
however tonight what i wanted to say was not easy, looking at you hesitantly
秋風將湧起的某夜 遺留她的窗邊有個故事
the night when the Autumn wind is coming, there’s a story beside the window where she has been before
孤單單的小伙子不顧寂寞 徘徊樹下直至天際露月兒
the young kid who is alone doesn’t care about loneliness, hovered under the tree until the moon showed
the night when the Autumn wind is coming, there’s a story beside the window where she has been before
孤單單的小伙子不顧寂寞 徘徊樹下直至天際露月兒
the young kid who is alone doesn’t care about loneliness, hovered under the tree until the moon showed
冬風吹走幾多個月夜 為何窗邊的她欠缺注視
how many nights have the wind of winter blown away? why is she, the one who is beside the window doesn’t look?
刻於窗扉小子寫的愛慕字 完全沒用像個飄散夢兒
the love words written by the young kid on the casement, it’s totally useless like a dream that flowed apart
how many nights have the wind of winter blown away? why is she, the one who is beside the window doesn’t look?
刻於窗扉小子寫的愛慕字 完全沒用像個飄散夢兒
the love words written by the young kid on the casement, it’s totally useless like a dream that flowed apart
今宵的小伙子傾吐憾事 誰人癡癡的要再聽故事
tonight the young kid talks about his regrets, who is being silly and have to listen to stories again?
tonight the young kid talks about his regrets, who is being silly and have to listen to stories again?
@ 偏偏癡心小子只知道上集 祈求下集是個可愛夢兒
however the kid with infatuation only knows part one, pray that part two will be a lovely dream
# 知不知對你牽上萬縷愛意 每晚也痛心空費盡心思
do you know that i have deep feelings for you? every night my heart feels pain and think hard
這小子欲斷難斷這故事 全為我愛上你偏偏你不知
this kid wants to cut it but hard to cut it, this story, is all about falling in love with you however you don’t know
(is all about falling in love with you however you don’t know)
however the kid with infatuation only knows part one, pray that part two will be a lovely dream
# 知不知對你牽上萬縷愛意 每晚也痛心空費盡心思
do you know that i have deep feelings for you? every night my heart feels pain and think hard
這小子欲斷難斷這故事 全為我愛上你偏偏你不知
this kid wants to cut it but hard to cut it, this story, is all about falling in love with you however you don’t know
(is all about falling in love with you however you don’t know)
春風輕吹點點火花襯月夜 人人開開心心說說故事
the spring breeze softly blows the little sparks to complement with the night, people telling stories happily
終於傾出這小子的往事 長年累月為你怎再自持
finally the past of this kid has been spoken, have been doing things for you for years how can i be able to control myself again?
今宵知否對你的暗示 為何真的將它當故事
tonight do you get the hints i gave you? why you really seen it as a story?
(Repeat @ #)
the spring breeze softly blows the little sparks to complement with the night, people telling stories happily
終於傾出這小子的往事 長年累月為你怎再自持
finally the past of this kid has been spoken, have been doing things for you for years how can i be able to control myself again?
今宵知否對你的暗示 為何真的將它當故事
tonight do you get the hints i gave you? why you really seen it as a story?
(Repeat @ #)
* 知不知每晚想你十次百次 每晚也去等 因我極心癡
do you know that every night i think of you for ten, hundreds times? every night i wait, because i’m infatuated
可不可合力延續這故事 延續這片愛意一生兩相依
can we continue this story together? continue this love and the two of us stay together for life
(Repeat # *)
do you know that every night i think of you for ten, hundreds times? every night i wait, because i’m infatuated
可不可合力延續這故事 延續這片愛意一生兩相依
can we continue this story together? continue this love and the two of us stay together for life
(Repeat # *)
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