喜歡你 [Be keen on you / Loving You] - Beyond, G.E.M. Gloria Tang 鄧紫棋 {Cantonese 88}

The dusk revealed my figure roaming the street,which was soaked by the ramping mist.
With wind still slapping my face,with rain no longer blurring my eyes.
I somehow looked up to the street light in solitude,
where a sad love story loomed large in my mind.
Once again numerous yearnings began to stir my heart,
once again your rapturous smiles became luminous in the light.
I wish you could at this moment,
hear the words from my heart.
I like you,(be keen on you)
I like your languishing eyes,
I like your enchanting smiles.
I wish I could,
Caress your face, your lovely face.
I wish I could circle your hand with my fingers&I talk somniloquy.
As yesterday,
You with Me.
So impulsive was the ambitious me.
that I often grumbled about being enslaved,by the love between you and me.
I wish you could at this moment,
hear the words from my heart.
Every night I walked with my shadow.
loafing around and feeling so cold.
I used to live in my own world.
without ever soothing her mind.


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