明天我要嫁給你 [I am going to marry you tomorrow / I have to marry you tomorrow] - Wakin Emil Chau 周华健, Faye Wong 王菲 {Mandarin 93}

不解溫柔 我係一隻牛
Not a gentle soul, I am a bull

盲舂春 橫衝直撞頭破血流
Going around with-out direction, charging left and right, badly battered

日日有咪係手 都唔會金盆洗手
Every day I have dough [cash], not going to a retirement ceremony [ie washing my hands in a golden basin]

我 冇車冇樓 但係你都唔使走
Me, no car, no apartment/flat, however you aren't needing to leave

燭光晚餐 餐單準備晒
Candle-light dinner, the menu is prepared and ready

啱啱夠埋單 冇錢買鑽戒
Just enough to pay the bill, no money to buy you a diamond ring

講將來 我兩坐低慢慢商量
Talk about the future, both of us sit down, take our time and talk it out

You say, double my pay isn't enough for just your single trip to a shopping mall

怪我唔浪漫 帶你行 '動漫展'
Blame me for not being romantic, taking you to an anime expo

你苦笑 叫我學買股票賺錢
You force yourself to smile, tell me to learn to play the stock market to get rich

我嘅歌 你一首都未聽過
My song, you didn't hear even one

你仲話 算罷啦! 希望我聽錯
You say, just give up already! I hope I heard wrong

Every time someone gets excited for my song

就諗起 你句句 潑冷水 我個心幾痛
then I would think of your every word, pouring cold water on me. My heart hurts pretty bad.(ie you try to hurt my feelings)

我能力得咁多 靠寫歌起家
I have a lot of good abilities, my song writing gets my (rap) family up

我心諗 "我呢個身份有幾差?"
I really feel 'My identity has a few mistakes'

[The girl says] 你知唔知 你真係好乞人憎啊?
Do you know you're a real jerk??

我只係想有個家 嘅說唱家
I only want to have a family, my rap family

[The girl says]你知唔知 我最憎你啲紋身啊?
Do you know that I hate your tattoos and they're the worst?

我只係想有個家 嘅說唱家
I only want to have a family, my rap family

[The girl says]成日話錄歌 我比你悶親啊?
All day talking about recording, I'm personally bored with you

我只係想有個家 嘅說唱家
I only want to have a family, my rap family

[The girl says]你咁嘅身份 點同你結婚啊?
Your identity, who would get married with you?

我只係想有個家 嘅說唱家
I only want to have a family, my rap family

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