座右铭 / 座右銘 [Motto] - Kary Ng 吳雨霏 {Cantonese 06}

 This song was used in the Hong Kong movie Love @ First Note in 2006
作曲:Walter Wong 填詞:方杰 編曲:Johnny Yim 監製:Gary Chan

很信命 當我每次哭  亦只有結他聲
believe so much in destiny. everytime i cry, there's only the sound of guitar
喃喃自語數星星 孤單也像註定
murmuring, counting stars. loneliness also seems to be destined
祈求被愛的溫馨 呼天都不應
hope to be loved. nobody answers even my cry reaches the sky
已經很適應 我心事 誰又會在意想聽
already very used to that. things hidden in my heart, whom would bother, whom would like to hear
很冷靜 知道我愛的 定把我當佈景
very calm. i know whom i love must treat me as the scene
平凡像我這一種 今天要認了命
ordinary like me, today must admit destiny
才能學會不貪心 碰不到戀愛 也毫無反應
and learn not to be greedy. even cannot touch love causes no reaction
單戀雙戀失戀 說穿了盡是陷阱 放手 得我有這本領
one-way love, two-way love, losing love all are traps. let go, only me have this quality.

*一個自愛也好 越對我好 越需要控制我反應
one love himself is good. treating me better, the more i need to control my reaction
 對未來沒信心 怎張開眼睛
too little confidence on future. how should i open my eyes
 花花世界太過美 哪有我蹤影
the flowery world is too pretty. how would there be any trace of me
 怕有天放心後 才給我最愛拋棄
afraid that after i trust, would be dumped by the one i love most
 我要謹守 我座右銘*
i must remember, my motto*

很信命 不信有美好 幸福過更冷清
believe so much in destiny. don't believe in goods. loneliness grows after luckiness.
同情沒法把不安驅走 以是確定
sympathy cannot drive away insecurity. so confirm
原來避免輸不起 退出的方法 叫遺忘本性
to avoid losing, the way to quit, is to forget your nature
不甘不忍不想 我只有越坐越靜 我的快樂就像泡影
unwilling undetermined, i became quieter as i sat, my happiness is like illusion

派對滿佈愛情 來臨的風景
parties filled with love. the coming view
獨自妒忌別人 誰能夠高興
solely jealous at others. who can be happy
註定無人來示愛 我都不作聲
it is destined that nobody would show me his love. i won't sound
即使一個自愛也好 越對我好 越需要控制我反應
even if one is loving itself, treating me better, the more i have to control myself
對未來還沒信心 怎張開眼睛
having no confidence on future. how should i open my eyes
花花世界太過美 哪有我蹤影
the flowery world is too pretty. how would there be any trace of me
有更心跳選擇 而比我遠遠優勝 如何專一都想轉性
there are heart beating choices, so much better than me. even loyalty would change
與情人齊眉白髮 問誰可保證 
to be with your lover forever, who can guarantee

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