送我一個家 [Give me a home] - Vincy Chan 泳兒 {Cantonese 07}

Sunny day, shade under banyan, curly moon.
It is so beautiful to dream about this picture.
Willing to explore the future with you?

In the city,
the beauty of looking forward to the dream,
talking about our money saving plan.
But I didn’t believe that no one argue in the city.
Like down stain, too noisy.

The baby upstairs is crying?
It makes me feel tiny and scared.
Perhaps love will become trash?

Returning home,
how many neighbour will surround us?
Will I still find that guy being happy and make me love this home,
will it?

Blue lantern,
wooden table, white curtain;
searching for renovation choices.
Exploring furniture position and styles.

In the urban area,
looking at the beautiful tower,
talking about beautiful things.

But I am thinking about the home in the city.
Like down stain, too noisy.
The baby upstairs is crying?
It makes me feel tiny and scared.

Perhaps love will become trash?
Returning home,
how many neighbour will surround us?
Will I still find that guy being happy and make me wanted to return home each day?

Perhaps you don’t need to give me the password, or give me a home.
If you are willing to scarify for me,
and make me forget that love could be slowly forgotten.
Like down stairs, growing flower, upstairs playing guitar.
Who is at home accompanying me to make me feel like I am in holiday?

Showing off love to tell others that it hasn’t turn to trash.
Returning home, how many neighbour will surround us?
Then I can hug you to sleep.
And we will hang our photos together.


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