心呼吸 [Light up my life] - Mag Lam 林欣彤 {Cantonese 04}

yu sam fu kap tip gan tin hung oi dik sam
as if deeply breathing draws closer to the sky a loving heart

chung tin joi jin si jo yan mung leui fei haang
from disasters and wars to helping people fly within their dreams

yun sing gwong jung jiu leung king cheut oi dik sam
hope that the starlight finally will illuminate the heart of pouring love

mei fung jung siu jeuk yun cheui wu oi jing san
smiling within the light wind wishing it follows the spirit of mutual love

心相近 愛越近
sam seung gan oi yut gan
heart is close love is even closer
chi mung chi waan chi si yan saang
resembles dreams resembles illusions this is life

seui ngau yu cho baai yau leui yan
although sometimes encountering defeats there will be tear marks

yau leui yu gung git bun yu gam
having tears for accompaniment until now

miu miu gang baak jan
every second becomes more realistic

眼望見若意外情急 情總不自禁
ngaan mong gin yeuk yi oi ching gap ching jung bat ji gam
the eyes 
supposedly seeing on accident of passion emotions cannot always be controlled

能竭盡氣力作護蔭 我真心
nang git jeun hei lik jok wu yam ngo jan sam
able to exhaust all strength to protect I am sincere
*就算犧牲 不需要問回贈
jau syun hei saang bat seui yiu man wui jang
even if for sacrifice do not need to ask for repayment

越過胸襟 將會讓過萬眾跳出抖震
yut gwo hung kam jeung wui yeung gwo maan jung tiu cheut dau jan
to overcome ken will allow thousands of jumps over shocks

mou ji ging piu bok mut jeung seng yu fun yan
have no limit of drifting no applause and triumph

mou seng dik gwok dou jo yan mung leui fei haang
a nation with no noise 
to helping people fly within their dreams

yun yat tin jung teng jeuk go seng yu fun yan
hope that one day finally will hear voices singing and triumph

san hei jung am dei duk cheui wu oi jing san
during dawn secretly alone following the spirit of mutual love

心相近 愛亦近
sam seung gan oi yik gan
heart is close love is also close
yeuk wui yeuk sai oi si ching sam
appointment oath agreement love is emotionally deep

bat wui yeung ngaan leui wong ha sam
will not let tears drip down

yau leui yu gung git bun yu gam
having tears for accompaniment until now

nei ngo gang seung chan
you and me match even more

愛就要令告白情急 情終不自禁
oi jau yiu ling gou baak ching gap ching jung bat ji gam
to love then needs to make a declaration of love be passionate 
emotions cannot always be controlled

而每段故事有烙印 有不甘
yi mui dyun gu si yau lok yan yau bat gam
and every story has a mark has unwillingness
*就算犧牲 不需要問回贈越過胸襟 將會讓過萬眾跳出抖震無止境漂泊沒掌聲與歡欣無聲的國度助人夢裏飛行願一天終聽著歌聲與歡欣晨曦中暗地獨隨互愛精神*
心相近 愛越近
sam seung gan oi yut gan
heart is close love is even close

心相襯 愛亦更sam seung chan oi yik ganghearts are matching love is even more


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